Workshop Ann.: Neural Nets for Signal Proc. (Aug31-Sep2 '98)

Bert De Vries adevries at
Tue Jun 30 11:09:31 EDT 1998

We still have some openings for interested researchers to attend the
1998 IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing, which this
year will be held in beautiful Cambridge, UK, on August 31st to
September 2nd 1998. We have a very interesting program, including many
papers on blind signal processing, biomedical processing, speech, time
series prediction etc. This note includes the preliminary program,
registration information and a registration form. More information can
be found at our website:-

Hope to see you in Cambridge!
--Bert de Vries, Publicity chair NNSP98

             IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing


Monday, 31 August 1998

9:00    Opening Remarks

9:15    Invited Talk    Jose Principe,
                        University of Florida

10:00   Oral Session I :  Source Separation, Deconvolution & ICA

101         KuicNet Algorithms for Blind Deconvolution
               S. C. Douglas and S-Y. Kung
104         On the Stability of some Source Separation Algorithms
               J-F. Cardoso
110         Convolutive Blind Source Separation based on
            Multiple Decorrelation"
               L. Parra, C. Spence & B de Vries

10:45   Coffee Break

11:15        Oral Session I  (Continued)

114         Independent Component Analysis: A flexible non-linearity and

            decorrelating manifold approach
               R. Everson & S.J. Roberts
115         Bayesian Blind Marginal Separation of Convolutely Mixed
            Discrete Sources
               C. Andrieu, A. Doucet, S. Godsill
116         Independent Component Analysis in Hybrid Mixture: Extrema
            Properties for Kurtosis and Higher Order
            Cumulant Function
               S-Y. Kung

12:00        Poster Previews I

13:00        Lunch

14:30        Oral Session II :  Algorithms and Architectures

201     A General Probabilistic Formulation for Feedforward Neural
            T. Adali, M. K. Sonmez & H. Ni
205     Learning from Examples with Mutual Information
            D. Xu & J C Principe
207     Experimental Evaluation of Latent Variable Models for
        Dimentionality Reduction
            M.A.Carrierra-Perpinian & S.J. Renals
208     From an A priori RNN to an A Posteriori PRNN Nonlinear Predictor

            D.P.Mandic & J Chambers

15:30   Coffee Break

16:00      Poster Session I  (ICA, A&A)

103        Removing Electroencephalographic Artifacts: Comparison
           between ICA and PCA
               T-P Jung, C. Humphries, T-W Lee, M.J.McKeown, V. Iragui,
               S. Makeig & T. Sejnowski
105        A New Variable Step Algorithm for Blind Source Separation
               P.M. On & Y Hirai
107        Flexible Independent Component Analysis
               S. Choi, A. Cichocki & S. Amari
108        Blind Equalisation of Multichannels via Spatio-temporal
           Anti-Hebbian Learning Rule
               S. Choi, A. Cichocki & A. Amari
109        Asymmetric PCA Neural Networks for Adaptive Blind
           Source Separation
               K. I Diamantaras
111        The Effect of Signal Non-Stationarity on the Performanc of
           Information Maximisation Based Blind Separation
               M.J.T.Alphey, D.I. Laurensen & A.F. Murray
112        Blind Deconvolution / Equalization using State-Space Models
               L-Q Zhang & A. Cichocki
113        Two EM Algorithms for Blind Separation of Noisy Mixtures
               H. Attias
304        Online EM Algorithm and Reconstruction of Chaotic Dynamics
               S. Ishii & M. Sato

Tuesday, 1 September 1998

9:00        Invited Talk    Steve Young
                            Cambridge University

10:00       Oral Session III   Algorithms and Architectures

212     Adaptive Metric  Kernel Regression
            C. Goutte and J. Larsen
215     Bayesian Filtering for Hidden Markov Models via
        Monte Carlo Methods
            A. Doucet, C. Andrieu, W.J. Fitzgerald
216     Clustering with Kernel Based Equiprobabilistic Topographic Maps
            M. van Hulle

10:45   Coffee Break

11:15        Oral Session III (Continued)

219     An Empirical Comparison of Arc-Cosine Distance, Generalised
        Ratio and Normalised Entropy Criteria for Model Selection
            S. Zheng & C. G. Molina
305     Stochastic Approximation by Neural Networks using the
        Radon and Wavelet Transforms
            R, Meir & V. Maiorov
701     Stochastic Unobserved Component Models for Adaptive Signal
        Extraction and Forecasting'
            P. Young

12:00        Poster Previews

13:00   Lunch

14:00   Poster Session II  (A & A)

202     A Likelihood Framework for Nonlinear Signal Processing
        with Normal Mixtures
            B. Wang, T. Adali, X. Liu & J. Xuan
203     Nonlinear State Space Learning with EM and Neural Networks
            J. De Freitas, M. Niranjan & A.H. Gee
204     Volterra Signal Modelling using Lagrange Programming Neural
            S. Chan, T. Stathaki & A. Constantinides
209     Split and Merge EM Algorithm for Improving Gaussian Mixture
        Density Estimates
            N. Ueda, R. Nakano, Z. Ghahramani & G.E. Hinton
210     Neural Network Regression with Input Uncertainty
            W. A. Wright
211     Speeding up MLP Execution by Approximating Neural Network
        Activation Functions
            Rosella Cancelliere
213     A Model for Non-Stationary Signal Processing with Clustering
            S. Policker & A.B.Geva
214     A Reduced Size Lattice Ladder Neural Network
            D. Navakauskas
217     Designing the Optimal Structure of a Neural Filter
            K. Suzuki, I. Horiba, N. Sugie
218     From Data to Nonlinear Dynamics: A Hierarchical Bayes Approach
        Neural Networks
            T. Matsumoto, Y. Nakajima, H. Hamagishi, J. Sugi & M. Saito
220     Recursive Nonlinear System Identification with Modular Networks
            V. Kadirkamanathan and S.G. Fabri
222     A heuristic Pattern Correction Scheme for GRNNs and its
        to Speech Recognition
            T. Hoya and A.G. Constantinides
306     Kohonen Networks and the Influence of Training on Data
            I. Morlini

15:30           Guided Tour of Colleges
                Punting in River Cam

                Conference Dinner

Wednesday, 2 September 1998

9:00    Invited Talk      Josef Kittler
                          Surrey University

10:00   Oral Session  IV:   Applications

506     Sound Monitoring based on the Generalised Probabilistic
        Descent Method
            H. Watanabe, Y. Matsumoto, S. Tanaka & S. Katagiri
511     Combining Neural Networks and Belief Networks for Image
            C. K. I. Williams and X. Feng
512     Analysing Time Series Structure with Hidden Markov Models
            M. Azzouzi & I.T. Nabney

10:45   Coffee Break

11:15   Oral Session  IV (Continued)

515     Morphing Dynamical Sound Models
            A. Robel
603     Time Series Forecasting with Neural Networks
            Chris Chatfield
613     PCA/ICA Embeddings for Extracting Structure from Single
        Channel Wake EEG using Neural Networks
            D. Lowe

12:00   Poster Previews

13:00   Lunch

14:00   Invited Talk    TBA

15:00   Oral Session    V:  Applications

611     Boundary Conditions of Pharyngeal Bolus Modeling by Neural
        Network Inversion
            E. Lin, J-N Hwang & MW Chang
602     Communication Channel Equalisation using Minimal Radial Basis
        Function Neural Networks
            P. Chandrakumar, P Saratchandran & N Sundararajan
614     Adaptive Medical Image Visualisation Based on Hierarchical
        Networks and Intelligent Decision Fusion
            S-H. Lai & M Fang
605     Combining Histograms and Neural Networks in Static and Dynamical

        Systems Approach to Engine Condition Monitoring
            V. Kadirkamanathan and V.C. Patel
604     A Neural Network Extension of the Method of Analogues for
        Iterated Time Series Prediction
            N. Hazarika & D. Lowe

16:15        Poster Session  (Applications) and Tea Break

501     Unconstrained Freehand-written Chinese Characters Recognition
        by Self-growing Probabilistic Decision-based Neural Networks
            H-C Fu, Y.Y.Xu & Y.P.Lee
502     Adaptive FIR filter use for signal Noise Cancelling
            M. Kolinova, A. Prochazka & M Mudrova
504     Face Classification using Principal Component Analysis
        and Multiresolution
            V. Brennan & J.C. Principe
505     A Comparison of a Hardware and a Software Integrate and Fire
        Neural Network for Clustering Onsets in Cohlear Filtered Sound
            L.S. Smith, M. Glover & A. Hamilton
507     Feature Extraction Techniques for Hindi Numerals
            H. Sanossian
508     Online Adaptive Histogram Equalisation
            D. Martinez
509     Weightless Neural Networks for Face Recognition: A Comparison
            S. Lauria & R.J. Mitchell
510     Exploiting the Statistical Characteristic of the Speech Signals
        for an Improved Neural Learning in a MLP Neural Network
            H. Altun and K.M. Curtis
513     Postprocessing for Image Coding Applications using
        Neural Network Visual Model
            Z. He, S. Chen, B. Luk & R. Istepanian
606     Structured Neural Network Approach for Measuring Raindrop
        Sizes and Velocities
            B. Denby, P. Gole & J. Tarniewicz
608     A Neural Network Architecture for the Classification of
        Remote Sensing Imagery with Advanced Learning Algorithms
            M.L. Goncalves, M. L. Netto, J.Z. Junior
612     A Framework for Combining Stochastic and Deterministic
        of Nonstationary Financial Time Series
            R. H. Lesch & D. Lowe

18:15   Closing Remarks


18:30   End of Workshop


     IEEE Neural Networks for Signal Processing Workshop (NNSP 98)

Registration Information


We have two types of delegates: Residential at Robinson College and
Non residential. 120 Rooms have been booked at Robinson College for
the purpose of the workshop, and it is expected that the majority of
us will be residential there. The expected arrival is Sunday, 31 August
and Departure is Thursday 3 rd September [i.e four nights].
It should be possible to accommodate those who might wish to arrive
earlier / stay longer in Cambridge.

The charges include accommodation, all meals between Sunday supper
to breakfast on Thursday, and the Conference Dinner on Tuesday evening.

Non-residential delegates are responsible for their own accommodation.
Their registration includes Lunches on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
and the Social Dinner on Tuesday.

Registration Fees:


Early registration is encouraged, the cut off for this will be
10 July 1998.


The cost of accommodation will be       UKP  93.00  per night

Registration for the workshop:

        Member IEEE, Early registration:     UKP 140.00
        Nonmember IEEE, Early          :     UKP 170.00

        Member IEEE Late Registration  :     UKP 170.00
        Nonmember IEEE, Late           :     UKP 200.00

        Student, Early                 :     UKP 100.00
        Student, Late                  :     UKP 130.00


You are responsible for your own accommodation

Registration for the workshop:

        Member IEEE, Early registration:     UKP 225.00
        Nonmember IEEE, Early          :     UKP 260.00

        Member IEEE Late Registration  :     UKP 270.00
        Nonmember IEEE, Late           :     UKP 290.00

        Student, Early                 :     UKP 160.00
        Student, Late                  :     UKP 200.00


We have currently reserved 10 rooms that can accommodate an accompanying

partner at an additional cost of
                             UKP 35.70 per night [Bed and Breakfast]


Payment may be made by Bank Draft or International Money Order, payable
     Robinson College Enterprise Ltd.
Please make sure that we do not incur banking charges at this end.

It is also possible to pay by credit card, but only VISA, MasterCard
or JCB are acceptable.

Please fill the form below and mail to

        Elizbeth Perrett
        Conference Office
        Robinson College
        Grange Road
        Cambridge CB3 9AN

        Phone:  44 1223 332859
        FaX  :  44 1223 315094

        Email:  conference at

Registration Form:

------------------------ Cut Here ------------------------------------

     IEEE Neural Networks for Signal Processing Workshop (NNSP 98)


Title:  Neural Networks for Signal Processing, NNSP 98

Taking place at: Robinson College & Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK

Date:  August 31 - September 2, 1998

Last Name: ...............................Title (Mr, Ms, Dr etc).......

First Name:

Date of Birth: ..../..../......Nationality:

Professional Status:




City: ............................... Postcode:

Tel: ................................ Fax:



Accommodation at Robinson College ..... Nights @ 93.00 / night
Accompanying person     (additional  35.70 / night)

Residential Registration
    Early Registration, Member IEEE
    Early Registration, NonMember IEEE
    Non Early Registration, Member IEEE
    Non Early Registration, NonMember IEEE              ................

    Early Student
    Non Early Student

Non Residential Registration
    Early Registration, Member IEEE
    Early Registration, NonMember IEEE
    Non Early Registration, Member IEEE
    Non Early Registration, NonMember IEEE              ................

    Early Student
    Non Early Student

Total                                                           ........

Method of Payment      ....... Bank Draft enclosed
                               [Payabel to  Robinson College Enterprises


                       .......  Charge Credit Card
                                [VISA / MasterCard / JCB  only]

                               Card Number

                               Expiry Date .................

                               Print Name  ..........................

Signed: .................................. Date:

---End of Registration form

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