the NEURON summer course!

Ted Carnevale ted.carnevale at
Thu Jun 18 09:45:30 EDT 1998

There have been so many re-announcements of other summer 
events through multiple channels that I was a bit hesitant 
to add to the din--but just in case you haven't heard:

Time is running out to register for the NEURON course we're 
presenting August 1-5 at the San Diego Supercomputer Center.

Salient features:
1.  lots of hands-on exercises using NEURON on UNIX and 
      Windows NT workstations
2.  covers everything you need to know to get started
3.  topics include:
    --using real anatomical and biophysical data
    --extending NEURON's library of biophysical mechanisms 
        with NMODL
    --using NEURON's built-in tools for automated 
        data analysis and model optimization
    --strategies for increasing model efficiency and accuracy
    --accelerating simulations with the new variable order, 
        variable timestep integration method
    --NEURON's powerful tools for electrotonic analysis
        (as described in Carnevale et al. Comparative 
        electrotonic analysis of three classes of rat 
        hippocampal neurons. JNP 78:703-720, 1997)
        An early version of this toolkit is described at
    --project management
    --customizing the graphical user interface
    --using NEURON to model networks of neurons

Learn all this and more from the experts!

For more information and the registration form, see

The registration deadline is approaching rapidly, 
and only a few seats are left, so don't delay!


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