-> new book <-

Brendan Frey bfrey at dendrite.beckman.uiuc.edu
Fri Jul 17 09:44:10 EDT 1998

               New book now available

   Graphical Models for               Machine Learning
   and                           Digital Communication

   Brendan Frey, MIT PRESS

   Information: www.cs.toronto.edu/~frey/book.html


                                          neural networks
       graphical models
                           Pearl's algorithm
  Monte Carlo
                                     variational methods
           wake-sleep algorithm
                                generalized EM

       error-correcting coding
                                     bits-back coding

=> Helmholtz machines: unsupervised neural net probability
   models (like ICA, but with *dependent* components)

=> BEST error-correcting algorithm (turbodecoding)
   *** simple explanation using Pearl's algorithm

=> data compression using latent variable models


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