Paul Mc-Kevitt
pmck at limsi.fr
Fri Jul 10 09:19:32 EDT 1998
MIND III: Annual Conference of the
Cognitive Science Society of Ireland
Theme: Spatial Cognition
Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
August 17-19, 1998
You are invited to participate in the Annual Conference of the CSSI, on the
Theme of Spatial Cognition, at Dublin City University from August 17-19,
1998. This conference will bring together researchers from different
Cognitive Science disciplines (Psychology, Computer Science, Linguistics,
and Cognitive Geography) who are studying different aspects of spatial
cognition. The conference will provide a forum for researchers to share
insights about different aspects of spatial cognition and from the
perspective of different disciplines.
The academic programme will begin at 9:00 a.m. on August 17th and end on
19th. The social programme will include a barbecue and ceili (traditional
Irish Dance) on Tuesday 18th and a tour and concert on Wednesday after the
end of the academic programme.
For information on registration and accommodation, please visit the web
page at:
The deadline for early registration is July 15th (after that the price
increases significantly).
For questions about the programme, contact
Mary Hegarty: hegarty at psych.ucsb.edu
For questions about registration and local arrangements, contact
Sean O Nuallain: sonualla at compapp.dcu.ie
Ruth Byrne, Trinity College Dublin
Jerome Feldman, University of California, Berkeley
Mary Hegarty, University of California, Santa Barbara (Program Chair)
Christopher Habel, University of Hamburg
George Lakoff, University of California, Berkeley
Robert H. Logie, University of Aberdeen
Jack Loomis, University of California, Santa Barbara
Paul Mc Kevitt, Aalborg University and University of Sheffield
Daniel R. Montello, University of California, Santa Barbara
N. Hari Naryanan, Auburn University and Georgia Institute of Technology
Patrick Olivier, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Sean O Nuallain, Dublin City University (Co-Chair)
Terry Regier, University of Chicago
Keith Stenning, Edinburgh University
Michael Spivey, Cornell University
Arnold Smith, National Research Council, Canada
Barbara Tversky, Stanford University
Michel Denis, Groupe Cognition Humaine, LIMSI-CNRS,
Universite de Paris-Sud
Andrew Frank, Department of Geoinformation,
Technical University Wien
G. Allen, University of South Carolina
Men and women, maps and minds: Cognitive bases of sex-related
differences in reading and interpreting maps
C. Christou & H. Bulthoff, Max-Planck Institute for Biological
Cybernetics, Tubingen
Using virtual environments to study spatial encoding
D. Jacobson, R. Kitchin, T. Garling, R. Golledge & M. Blades,
University of California, Santa Barbara, Queens University of Belfast,
Gotenborg University
Learning a complex urban route without sight: Comparing naturalistic
versus laboratory measures
P. Peruch, F. Gaunet, C. Thinus-Blanc, M-D. Giroudo, CNRS,
Marseille & CNRS-College de France, Paris
Real and imagined perspective changes in visual versus locomotor
M. J. Sholl, Boston College
The accessibility of metric relations in self-to-object and object-to-object
T. Baguley & S. J. Payne, Loughborough University and Cardiff University
of Wales
Given-new versus new-given? An analysis of reading times for spatial
K. C. Coventry & M. Prat-Sala, University of Plymouth
The interplay between geometry and function in the comprehension of spatial
J. Gurney & E. Kipple, Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD
Composing conceptual structure for spoken natural language in a virtual
reality environment
S. Huang, National Taiwan University
Spatial Representation in a language without prepositions
S. Taub, Gallaudet University
Iconic spatial language in ASL: Concrete and metaphorical applications
C. Vorwerg, University of Bielefeld
Production and understanding of direction terms as a categorization process
M. Eisenberg & A. Eisenberg, University of Colorado
Designing real-time software advisors for 3-d spatial operations
J. Gasos & A. Saffiotti, IRIDIA, Universite Libre de Brruxelles
Fuzzy sets for the representation of uncertain spatial knowledge in
autonomous robots
R. K. Lindsay, University of Michigan
Discovering Diagrammatic Demonstrations
P. McKevitt, Aalborg University and University of Sheffield
CHAMELEON meets spatial cognition
D. R. Montello, M.F.Goodchild, P. Fohl & J. Gottsegen, University of
California, Santa Barbara
Implementing fuzzy spatial queries: Problem statement and behavioral
science methods
S. O Nuallain & J. Kelleher, Dublin City University
Spoken Image meets VRML and JAVA
M. Gattis, Max Planck Institute for Psychological Research, Munich
Mapping relational structure in visual reasoning
J. N. McGregor, T. C. Ormerod & E. P. Chronicle, University of
Victoria and Lancaster University
Spatial and conceptual factors in human performance on the traveling
salesperson problem
P.D.Pearson, R. H.Logie & K.J. Gilhooly, University of Aberdeen
Verbal representations and spatial manipulation during mental synthesis
L. Rozenblit, M. Spivey & J. Wojslawowicz
Mechanical reasoning about gear-and-belt systems: Do eye-movements
predict performance?
C. Sophian & M. Crosby, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Ratios that even young children understand: The case of spatial proportions
R. H. Logie, Department of Aberdeen
Constraints on visuo-spatial working memory
N. H. Narayanan, Auburn University
Exploring virtual information landscapes: Spatial cognition meets information
A. Smith, National Research Council, Canada
Spatial cognition without spatial concepts
C. Speed & D. G.Tobin, University of Plymouth
Space under stress: Spatial understanding and new media technologies
M. Tiressa, A. Caressa and G.Geminiani, Universita di Torino &
Universita di Padova
A theoretical framework for the study of spatial cognition
M. Betrancourt, A. Pellegrin & L. Tardif, Research Institut,
INRIA Rhone-Alpes
Using a spatial display to represent the temporal structure of
multimedia documents
M. Bollaert, LIMSI-CNRS, University de Paris-Sud
A connectionist model of mental imagery
K Borner & C Vorwerg, University of Bielefeld
Applying VR technology to the study of spatial perception and cognition
A. Caressa, A. Abrigliano & G. Geminiani, Universita de Padova &
Universita di Torino.
Describers and explorers: A method to investigate cognitive maps.
E. P. Chronicle, T. C. Ormerod & J. McGregor. Lancaster University
and University of Victoria
When insight just won't come: The failure of visual cues in the nine-dot
R. Coates, C.J. Hamilton & T. Heffernan, University of Teeside and
University of Northumbria at Newcastle
In Search of the visual and spatial characteristics of visuo-spatial
working memory
G. Fernandez, LMSI-CNRS
Individual differences in the processing of route directions
R. Hornig, B. Claus & K. Eyferth, Technical University of Berlin
In search for an overall organizing principle in spatial mental models:
A question of inference
M-C. Grobety, M. Morand & F. Schenk
Cognitive Mapping across visually disconnected environments
N. Gotts, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Describing the topology of spherical regions using the "RCC" formalism
X. Guilarova, Moscow M.V. Lomosonov State University
Polysemy of adjective "round" via Lakoff's radical category structuring
J. S. Longstaff, Laban Center, London
Cognitive Structures of Kinesthetic Space: Reevaluating Rudolph Labans
U. Schmid, S. Wiebrock & F. Wysotzki, Technical University of Berlin
Modeling spatial inferences in text understanding
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