Juergen Schmidhuber
juergen at
Wed Jan 14 05:43:47 EST 1998
This is a list of journal papers published or accepted during 1997,
(co)authored by members of the Swiss AI research institute IDSIA.
Many additional 1997 book chapters, conference papers etc. can be
found in IDSIA's individual home pages:
1. P. Badeau (Univ. Blaise Pascal) & M. Gendreau, F. Guertin, J.-Y. Potvin
(Univ. Montreal) & E. D. Taillard (IDSIA): A parallel tabu search heuristic
for the vehicle routing problem with time windows. Transportation
Research-C 5, 109-122, 1997. A parallel implementation of an adaptive
memory programme.
2. M. Dorigo (IRIDIA) & L. M. Gambardella (IDSIA): Ant Colony System:
A Cooperative Learning Approach to the TSP. IEEE Transactions
On Evolutionary Computation, 1(1):53-66, 1997. ACS consists of
cooperating ant-like agents. In TSP applications, ACS is compared
to some of the best algorithms for symmetric and asymmetric TSPs.
3. M. Dorigo (IRIDIA) & L. M. Gambardella (IDSIA): Ant Colony
For the Traveling Salesman Problem. BioSystems 43:73-81, 1997.
4. B. L. Golden (Univ. Maryland) & G. Laporte (Ecole des Hautes
Etudes Commerciales de Montreal) & E. Taillard (IDSIA): An
Adaptive Memory Heuristic For a Class of Vehicle Routing Problems
with Minimax Objective. Computers & Operations Research 24, 1997,
445-452. A study of the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP),
CVRP with multiple use of vehicles (MUV), and the m-TSP with MUV.
A novel method produces excellent solutions within reasonable time.
5. P. Hansen (Univ. Montreal) & N. Mladenovic (Univ. Montreal) &
E. D. Taillard (IDSIA): Heuristic solution of the multisource Weber
problem as a p-median problem. Accepted by Operations Research Letters,
1997. We examine a heuristic method that has been forgotten for more
than 30 years. It is very appropriate for small to medium size multisource
Weber problems.
6. S. Hochreiter (TU Munich) & J. Schmidhuber (IDSIA): Flat Minima. Neural
Computation, 9(1):1-43, 1997. An MDL-based, Bayesian argument suggests
that flat minima of the error function are essential because they correspond
to "simple", low-complexity neural nets and low expected overfitting. The
argument is based on a Gibbs algorithm variant and a novel way of splitting
generalization error into underfitting and overfitting error. An efficient
algorithm called "flat minimum search" outperforms other widely used methods
on stock market prediction tasks.
7. S. Hochreiter (TU Munich) & J. Schmidhuber (IDSIA): Long Short-Term
Memory. Neural Computation, 9(8):1681-1726. A novel recurrent net algorithm
with update complexity O(1) per weight and time step. LSTM can solve hard
problems unsolvable by previous neural net algorithms.
8. R. P. Salustowicz (IDSIA) & J. Schmidhuber (IDSIA): Probabilistic
Incremental Program Evolution. Evolutionary Computation 5(2):123-141,
1997. A novel method for evolving programs by stochastic search in program
space. Comparisons to "genetic programming", applications to partially
observable environments.
9. R. P. Salustowicz (IDSIA) & M. Wiering (IDSIA) & J. Schmidhuber (IDSIA):
Learning team strategies: soccer case studies. Machine Learning, accepted
1997. Multiagent learning: each soccer team's players share action
set and policy. We compare TD-Q learning and Probabilistic Incremental
Program Evolution (PIPE).
10. J. Schmidhuber (IDSIA) & J. Zhao (IDSIA) & M. Wiering (IDSIA):
Shifting Inductive Bias with Success-Story Algorithm, Adaptive
Levin Search, and Incremental Self-Improvement. Machine Learning
28:105-130, 1997. We focus on searching program space and "learning
to learn" in changing, partially observable environments.
11. J. Schmidhuber (IDSIA): Discovering Neural Nets with Low Kolmogorov
Complexity and High Generalization Capability. Neural Networks
10(5):857-873, 1997. Review of basic concepts of Kolmogorov complexity
theory relevant to machine learning. Toy experiments with a Levin search
variant lead to better generalization performance than more traditional
neural net algorithms.
12. J. Schmidhuber (IDSIA). Low-Complexity Art: Leonardo, Journal
of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences, and Technology,
30(2):97-103, MIT Press, 1997. Low-complexity art is the computer-age
equivalent of simple art: art with low Kolmogorov complexity. With
example cartoons and attempts at using MDL to explain what's "beautiful".
13. E. D. Taillard (IDSIA) & P. Badeau (Univ. Blaise Pascal) &
M. Gendreau, F. Guertin, J.Y. Potvin (Univ. Montreal): A tabu
search heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with soft time
windows. Transportation Science 31, 170-186, 1997. An efficient
neighbourhood structure for vehicle routing problems implemented
in an adaptive memory programme for dealing with soft time windows.
14. M. Wiering (IDSIA) & J. Schmidhuber (IDSIA). HQ-Learning.
Adaptive Behavior, 6(2), accepted 1997. A hierarchical extension of
Q(lambda)-learning designed to solve certain types of partially observable
Markov decision problems (POMDPs). HQ automatically decomposes POMDPs
into sequences of simpler subtasks that can be solved by memoryless
------------------------JOB OPENINGS AT IDSIA---------------------------
We have a few openings for postdocs, research associates, and outstanding
PhD students, as well as one system manager position. See for
details and application instructions.
In case you are not interested in any of the current openings but
would like to be considered for future ones, please send HARDCOPIES
(no email!) of a statement of research interests plus an outline of your
research project, CV, list of publications, and your 3 best papers. Also
send a BRIEF email message listing email addresses of three references.
Please use your full name as subject header. EXAMPLE: subject: John_Smith
We are looking forward to receiving your application!
Juergen Schmidhuber research director
IDSIA, Corso Elvezia 36, 6900-Lugano, Switzerland
juergen at
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