[CFP] AI Meets the Real World '98 Lessons Learned!
Eugene Santos
eugene at engr.uconn.edu
Mon Feb 16 08:48:18 EST 1998
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AI meets the Real World '98
Lessons Learned
C a l l f o r P a r t i c i p a t i o n
September 16 - 18, 1998
University of Connecticut -- Stamford Campus
Stamford, CT
Sponsored by: University of Connecticut
Honeywell Technology Center
US Air Force Research Labs -- Phillips Lab
To a large and growing extent, techniques from the field of Artificial
Intelligence are being applied in the implementation of fielded systems
addressing practical problems in a wide range of domains, from manufacturing,
to consumer services, to military and spacecraft operations, to name a very
few. As a result, an informal and pragmatic practice of "AI engineering" has
arisen, involving the identification, adaptation, and application of techniques
including diagnostic systems, trend analysis and projection, uncertain reasoning
and decision analysis, virtual environments/reality, training and tutoring
systems, planning and scheduling, natural language parsing and generation, and
parameter estimation and other forms of learning. The resulting systems range
from large-scale, stand-alone intelligent systems, to embedded knowledge bases,
to minor components of much larger applications.
As one might expect from a body of work largely developed within a common
intellectual and philosophical tradition, what we have here broadly termed
"AI techniques" have some common features. These approaches tend to be complex
and computationally intensive and to require a great deal of understanding and
modelling, in some cases engineering, of the target domain and application for
the approach to be successful.
The aim of this meeting is to bring together researchers, practitioners,
and developers of intelligent systems throughout academia, industry, and
government to discuss and disseminate lessons learned from successful (or
unsuccessful) attempts to design, construct, field, and maintain intelligent
systems. The meeting will consist of presentations, panel discussions, and
invited speakers. Our hope is to build a better knowledge base of how to
successfully apply and correctly use artificial intelligence in real world
systems. This meeting is not intended as a forum for those who already deeply
immersed in AI. We particularly welcome people who are considering an AI-based
approach to their problem to attend and participate in these discussions.
We invite the submission of papers and topic ideas for panel discussions.
Papers and presentations should be based on systems developed (or in
progress) for real world use. Among the issues that might be of interest
in such a presentation we would expect to find the following:
-- What characteristics of the domain and the application lead to your choice
of solution method? What alternative methods were considered and rejected?
Were these choices revisited (and revised?) at some later point?
-- What difficulties did you encounter? Which ones were expected? Unexpected?
-- What was the final outcome? What qualifications or modifications of the
original statement of the problem or system requirements were made?
-- What lessons can be drawn from this experience, regarding:
+++ domains where particular AI techniques are or aren't useful?
+++ how to go about determining the utility of a technique in a new
+++ pitfalls to beware in system design, implementation, etc., that are
peculiar to intelligent systems?
We are also especially INTERESTED in soliciting questions/issues at all
levels from both new and experienced systems builders on problems and
approaches of using AI. Members of our program committee will attempt to
answer and/or provide advice to these questions. These will be published in
our printed proceedings. Of these, a select set of questions or general class
of questions will be chosen for a special panel discussion session at the
Up-to-date meeting information will be provided at:
Proceedings of invited papers will be published.
| Organizers |
Meeting Co-Chairs -
Eugene Santos, Jr. (University of Connecticut -- Storrs)
Mark Boddy (Honeywell Technology Center, Minneapolis, MN)
Doug Dyer (DARPA)
Program Committee -
Sheila B. Banks (Air Force Institute of Technology)
Piero Bonissone (GE)
Jack Breese (Microsoft)
Wray Buntine (Ultimode)
Fabio Cozman (University of Sao Paulo)
Bruce D'Ambrosio (Prevision & Oregon State University)
Neal Glassman (Air Force Office of Scientific Research)
James Hendler (University of Maryland)
Chahira Hopper (Air Force Research Labs, Wright Lab)
Lewis Johnson (University of Southern California)
F. Alex Kilpatrick (Air Force Research Labs, Phillips Lab)
Michael B. Leahy Jr. (DARPA)
Claudia M. Meyer (NASA LERC)
Alan L. Meyrowitz (Naval Research Laboratory)
Doug Moran (SRI)
Steve Rogers (Battelle)
Solomon Eyal Shimony (Ben Gurion University of the Negev)
Mike Shneier (Office of Naval Research)
Valerie J. Shute (Air Force Research Labs, Armstrong Lab)
Douglas Smith (Kestrel Institute)
Martin R. Stytz (Air Force Institute of Technology)
Abraham Waksman (Air Force Office of Scientific Research)
Fred A. Watkins (Hyperlogic)
Edward Wong (Polytechnic University)
| Submission Guidelines |
Authors should submit full papers addressing the above issues with a strong
emphasis on "lessons learned." These will be evaluated for clarity of
presentation and significance of contribution to the community. All accepted
papers will be presented either orally or through a poster session and will be
made available in a printed proceedings. Papers may be submitted either
electronically or in hard copy form. Electronic submission may take the form of
PostScript files, ASCII, or LaTeX files. Authors should be careful to include
all macro files necessary for LaTeX files as we will not be responsible for
files which cannot be formatted. Figures for LaTeX should be PostScript files.
Hardcopy submissions should have 1-inch margins on all sides and should be in
12-point type. Papers should be a maximum of 20 pages long, including figures
and references. Names, address, and e-mail of authors and an abstract should be
included at the beginning of each paper.
Hard copy submissions must arrive by May 15, 1998, and sent to
Eugene Santos, Jr. [ATTN: AIMTRW-98]
Computer Science and Engineering Department
University of Connecticut
UTEB, 191 Auditorium Rd., U-155
Storrs, CT 06269-3155
(860) 486-1458
Electronic submissions should be e-mailed by May 15, 1998, to
eugene at eng2.uconn.edu
Papers not meeting the deadline will not be considered.
Proposals for panel discussions and invited speakers should be e-mailed by May
15, 1997, to the above address.
For questions/issues, we solicit up to two (2) pages per question. Provide
as much detail as possible for proper evaluation of the question by the
program committee. We prefer electronic submissions to the above email
address. Hard copy is welcome to the above address. These are also due
May 15, 1998.
!++Meeting Attendance/Participation++!
Due to the limited space available for this meeting, we request that those
planning to attend send an e-mail by May 1, 1998 to
eugene at eng2.uconn.edu
stating your intent and whether you will be also submitting a paper.
| Important Dates |
May 1, 1998 Deadline for participation request
May 15, 1998 Deadline for paper submission
May 15, 1998 Deadline for question submission
May 15, 1998 Deadline for panel proposals, etc.
June 15, 1998 Notification of acceptance or rejection
June 29, 1998 Final camera-ready papers due
September 16 - 18, 1998 Meeting dates
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