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Elmar Steurer
elmar.steurer at dbag.ulm.DaimlerBenz.COM
Wed Feb 11 10:25:02 EST 1998
Call for Papers
Application of Machine Learning and Data Mining in Finance
10th European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML-98)
Chemnitz, Germany, April 24 1998
General Information
In conjunction with the 10th European Conference on Machine Learning
the workshop "Application of Machine Learning and Data Mining in
will be held in Chemnitz, Germany, on April, 24th 1998. The main
conference takes place from April, 21st to 23rd 1998.
Advanced data analysis and forecasting technologies such as neural
networks, symbolic machine learning and genetic algorithms are being
increasingly applied to support financial asset management and credit
risk management. These methods are considered by many financial
management institutions as innovative technologies to support
conventional quantitative techniques. Their use in computational finance
will have a major impact in the modelling of the currency markets, in
tactical asset allocation, bond and stock valuation and portfolio
optimisation. In addition the application of these tools for scoring
tasks delivers valuable support for the management of client credit
This workshop is designed to bring together researchers in the field of
Machine Learning with those practicing financial consulting. The purpose
is twofold:
- Practitioners should become familiar with the state of the art in
machine learning research for predictive modelling and scoring
- The research community should receive ideas and requirements from
participants from the financial world with the aim to improve the
acceptance of Machine Learning applications and to identify future
of research.
Research papers representing new and significant developments in
methodology as well as applications of practical use will be
presented. Topics include:
Application aspects:
- Scoring systems: Application and Behavioural Scoring
- Trading- and forecasting models
- Volatility models
- Value at Risk
- Financially motivated objective functions
Methodological aspects:
- Symbolic Learning in financial engineering
- Neural Networks for financial applications
- Aspects and dependencies of data transformation and model selection
- Backtest procedures: Advantages and bottlenecks
- Pre-testing as an alternative to backtest
- Data Mining process model for financial applications
Submission of papers
Authors wishing to present a paper should send an electronic version
(uuencoded compressed PostScript) not later than 28 February 98 to:
Dr. Elmar Steurer
DAIMLER-BENZ AG - Research and Technology
Postfach 2360
89013 Ulm
Tel.: 0049 - 731 / 505 -2868
Fax: 0049 - 731 / 505 4210
Email: elmar.steurer at dbag.ulm.DaimlerBenz.COM
Accepted papers will be published in the workshop notes. Selected papers
will be issued in a proceedings. Contributors will be allocated 20
minutes for an oral presentation during the workshop. Further invited
talks and a panel discussion are planned.
Program committee:
Ulrich Anders University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Jeremy H. Armitage State Street Bank and Trust Company, London, UK
Dirk Baestens Generale Bank, Brussels, Belgium
Georg Bol University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Guenter Grimm allfonds, Munich, Germany
Tae H. Hann University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Ashar Mahboob Fuji Capital Markets Corporation, New York, USA
Andreas Weigend STERN Business School, New York University, USA
Apostolos N. Refenes London Business School, UK
Andrea Sczesny ZEW Mannheim, Germany
Charles Taylor University of Leeds, UK
Diethelm Wuertz ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
Hans-Georg Zimmermann Siemens AG, Munich, Germany
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: 28 February 1998
Notification of acceptance: 15 March 1998
Camera ready copy: 28 March 1998
Workshop: 24 April 1998
Gholamreza Nakhaeizadeh and Elmar Steurer
DAIMLER-BENZ AG - Research and Technology
nakhaeizadeh at dbag.ulm.DaimlerBenz.COM
elmar.steurer at dbag.ulm.DaimlerBenz.COM
Registration and further information:
For further information about the main conference and registration
please contact:
ecml98 at
ecml98 at
or visit the web site:
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