IJCNN99- submission deadline extended
Gary Yen
gyen at okway.okstate.edu
Sat Dec 26 13:27:44 EST 1998
ontributed by: Gary G. Yen gyen at master.ceat.okstate.edu
CONFERENCE UPDATE: IJCNN'99 900 Submissions and Counting
Deadline Extended for Email Submissions
JULY 10-16, 1999
We have 900 submissions in hand now; however, due to numerous
requests, we are extending the submission deadline. Email submission
may still be made directly to the Conference General Chair, David
Brown, at dgb at cdrh.fda.gov. Submissions received after January 22 will
only be considered for poster presentation unless invited by session
chairs. Details on the web site
www.cas.american.edu/~medsker/ijcnn99/ijcnn99.html (or via
www.inns.org) as shown below:
IJCNN'99 review and acceptance will be based on a one-page summary,
which will be distributed to Conference participants in a summary
book. Conference proceedings will be in CD form. Hard-copy proceedings
may be available for an additional fee. Use of illustrations is
encouraged in the summaries, within the single allowed page. Use of
audio and video segments in the CD proceedings will be considered.
Poster presentations will be encouraged, with "single-slide" poster
presentations interspersed with regular oral sessions. Monetary awards
presented for best poster in several categories. Best student paper
awards will also be given.
Paper summary format information
The summary must be accompanied by a cover sheet listing the following
1. Paper title
2. Author information - full names and affiliations as they will
appear in the program
3. Mailing address, telephone, fax, and email for each author 4.
Request for oral or poster presentation
5. Topic(s), selected from the list below:
Biological foundations Neural systems
Mathematical foundations Architectures
Learning algorithms Intelligent control
Artificial systems Data analysis Pattern
recognition Hybrid systems
Intelligent computation (including fuzzy and GA)
The one-page, camera-ready summary must conform to the following
1. All text and illustrations must appear within a 7x9 in. (178x229mm)
area. For US standard size paper (8.5x11 in.), set margins to 0.75 in.
(18mm) left and right and 1 in. top and bottom. For A4 size paper, set
margins to 17mm left and right, 25mm top, and 45 mm bottom.
2. Use 10-point Times Roman or equivalent typeface for the main text.
Single space all text, allowing extra space between paragraphs.
3. Title (16 pt. Bold, centered) Capitalize only first word and proper
4. Authors names, affiliation (12 pt., centered) omit titles or
5. Five section headings (11 pt. bold). The following five headings
MUST be used: Purpose, Method, Results, New or breakthrough aspect of
work, and Conclusions.
Submit by email to dgb at cdrh.fda.gov
Acceptance will be determined by February 8, 1999 in most cases, and
complete papers are due in digital form for CD publication by May 3,
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