Graduate and Postdoctoral Training @ CU & DU
Randall C. O'Reilly
oreilly at
Tue Dec 15 16:58:22 EST 1998
Computational Cognitive Neuroscience
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Denver
Graduate and Postdoctoral Training Opportunities
This is an invitation to apply for graduate and postdoctoral training
in cognitive neuroscience and/or computational cognitive neuroscience
at the University of Colorado Boulder (CU) Departments of Psychology
and Computer Science (integrated with the Institute for Cognitive
Science, ICS), and the University of Denver (DU) Department of
Psychology and program in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (DCN).
CU and DU have a strong common interest in computational cognitive
neuroscience, and researchers in both universities are funded by the
NSF, NIH, NIDCD, and the McDonnell Foundation to support both graduate
students and postdoctoral researchers in cognitive neuroscience.
Close collaborations exist across the two campuses.
A major focus of interest here is in understanding working memory and
the cognitive role of the prefrontal cortex (PFC). We apply
converging cognitive neuroscience methodologies, including
computational (neural network models), behavioral, developmental, and
neuropsychological approaches. Other topics of interest include
executive function, language, learning and memory and the roles of the
hippocampus and the cortex, developmental dissociations and
task-dependent behaviors, attention, and invariant object recognition.
We have a strong nucleus of cognitive neuroscientists focused on
developing mechanistic, computational frameworks for understanding how
the brain performs cognitive functions, and exploring these ideas
using a wide range of empirical methods. This environment provides a
unique opportunity to interact closely with active scientists
exploring problems at the forefront of cognitive neuroscience.
The departments at CU and DU are highly regarded, and have a strong
international reputation for high quality scientific research and
training. The DU psych department is ranked No. 2 in the world in
publication impact, and the CU psych department is consistently in the
top 20 of the US News & World Report rankings.
In addition to providing an exciting research environment and hosting
the annual Neural Information Processing Systems conference, the
greater Denver/Boulder area offers an exceptional quality of life.
Spectacularly situated at the eastern edge of the Rockies, this area
provides a wide variety of extraordinary outdoor activities, an
average of 330 sunny days per year, and also affords a broad range of
cultural activities.
Graduate students should apply to the most appropriate department for
their specific interests. Deadlines are Jan 1 for CU and Jan 15 for
DU. For more information, full lists of associated faculty, and
instructions on applying to the graduate programs, see the following
web sites:
CU Overview Web Page:
CU Psychology:
CU Computer Science:
DU Psychology:
Postdoctoral applications should include a CV, representative
publications, and a statement of research interests, and should be
sent to the most appropriate of the following faculty member(s) listed
below. Postdoc funding is available now, and applications will be
considered until the positions are filled.
Akira Miyake, CU Psych, miyake at,
Michael Mozer, CU CS, mozer at,
Yuko Munakata, DU Psych, munakata at,
Randall O'Reilly, CU Psych, oreilly at,
One or more of the above faculty should be contacted for any further
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