Organize a workshop at IJCAI-99?

Sebastian Thrun Sebastian_Thrun at
Wed Aug 19 19:17:01 EDT 1998

Dear Connectionists:

This is to bring to your attention a great opportunity to organize a workshop
at the forthcoming IJCAI conference (IJCAI stands for International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence), which will take place 31 July - 6
August 1999 in Stockholm, Sweden. IJCAI is a leading AI-conference, and in
recent years there has been a good deal of overlap with meetings such as NIPS
and Snowbird (e.g., work on learning, Bayesian methods). Organizing a workshop
at IJCAI is a great way to get people outside the field involved in the type of
work carried out in the "connectionsist" community. For IJCAI-99, we will
particularly welcome workshop proposals with cross-cutting themes.

If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please consult the Web page
Deadline for proposals is Oct 1, 1998. Proposals will be selected on
a competitive basis. Workshop topics of past IJCAI conferences can
be found at

Sebastian Thrun 
(workshop chair, IJCAI-99)

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