Connectionist symbol processing & work by Baxter
Danny L. Silver
dsilver at
Tue Aug 18 16:57:14 EDT 1998
Along the lines of Dr. Zhu, I would like to point out the
important work of Jon Baxter concerning the "learning of internal
represenations" in which he develops a "canonical distortion measure"
The CDM is in fact a metric over the input space defined by the
probability distribution over a domain of tasks (e.g. character recognition)
each of which shares the input space. The metric can be used to measure
the similarity of input vectors.
The important aspect of Baxter's work is that he shows formally and
demonstrates imperically that the CDM for a particular task (or environmental)
domain can be LEARNED to the desired level of accuracy
if the learner samples sufficiently from the domain of tasks.
i.e if the learner "experiences" the environment long enough and well enough.
Once learned this CDM metric can be used to facilitate learning
any new task from the domain - thus it can be consider a process of
"learning to learn".
Baxter, in fact demonstrates how the CDM metric can be
learned within the hidden node representations of a neural network
for a simple task domain.
Based on this .. I would conclude that the facility of symbolic representation
and logical metrics is largely a function of the domain of tasks
under consideration and not necessarily THE best representation or metric.
For details please refer to:
Jonathan Baxter. Learning Internal Representations. PhD Thesis,
Dept. Mathematics and Statss, The Flinders University of South Australia, 1995.
Draft copy available in Neuroprose Archive -
Jonathan Baxter. The Canonical Distortion Measure for Vector Quantization
and Function Approximation. Learning to Learn, edited by Sebastian Thrun and
Lorien Pratt, 1998, Kluwer Academic Publishers, p.159-179
Cheers .. Danny Silver
= Daniel L. Silver University of Western Ontario, London, Canada =
= N6A 3K7 - Dept. of Comp. Sci. =
= dsilver at H: (902)582-7558 O: (902)494-1813 =
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