Paper Available

Todd Peterson todd at
Thu Apr 9 16:41:16 EDT 1998

Paper available:

An RBF Network Alternative for a Hybrid Architecture

Todd Peterson, Ron Sun
Department of Computer Science
The University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
EMAIL: todd,rsun at

Although a previous model CLARION has shown some measure of success
in sequential decision making tasks by utilizing a hybrid 
architecture that uses both procedural and declarative learning, it had 
some  problems resulting from the use of backpropagation networks.
CLARION-RBF is a more parsimonious architecture that remedies some of the
problems exhibited in CLARION, by utilizing RBF Networks. CLARION-RBF
is capable of learning reactive procedures as well  as having  high level 
symbolic knowledge extracted and applied.

To appear in IJCNN, Anchorage, AK, May 4-9, 1998.
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