JFA'98 - 1st Call for papers
Engelbert Mephu-Nguifo
mephu at cril.univ-artois.fr
Wed Oct 29 12:00:50 EST 1997
First Call for Papers
Thirteenth French-speaking Conference on Machine Learning
Arras, May 18-20, 1998
Submission deadline: February 13, 1998
WWW temporary location: http://www.lifl.fr/~mephu-ng/conf/jfa98_uk.html
WWW permanent location: http://www.univ-artois.fr/jfa98
General Information
JFA'98 is the annual french-speaking conference on Machine Learning. It
is made of reviewed papers, invited lectures and tutorials. JFA accepts
both symbolic and numeric approaches in machine learning, and research
or application papers in this area.
Papers may be submitted in english but the final version must be written
in french.
The thirteenth JFA conference will be held on May 18-20, 1998 at Artois
University (Arras).
Papers relevant to the discipline of Machine Learning are sollicited,
including, but not limited to:
Applications of Machine Learning
Case-based Learning
Computational Learning Theory
Data Mining
Evolutionary Computation
Hybrid Learning Systems
Inductive Learning
Inductive Logic Programming
Knowledge Discovery in Databases
Language Learning
Learning and Problem Solving
Learning by Analogy
Learning in Multi-Agent Systems
Learning in Dynamic Domains
Learning to Search
Multistrategy Learning
Neural Networks
Reinforcement Learning
Robot Learning
Scientific Discovery
Papers are limited to 12 pages (using a 10pt Times Roman font,
single-spaced, with 3cm margins
on all sides) including figures, title page, references, and appendices.
(see Format instructions)
The papers will be refereed according to clarity and overall quality
criteria, focusing primarily on
their relevance to the conference.
Email submissions are strongly preferred. Please send an attached
PostScript file to
jnicolas at irisa.fr Those unable to produce a PostScript file may send 4
hardcopies of their paper
submission to the program chair:
Jacques Nicolas
Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu,
35042 Rennes Cedex, France
Tel: (+33) 2 99 84 73 12
E.mail: jnicolas at irisa.fr
February 13, 1998 deadline for submission
April 6, 1998 notification of acceptance/rejection
May 4, 1998 deadline for final versions of papers
May 18-20, 1998 JFA'98
Program committee
Conference Chair:
Jacques Nicolas,
IRISA - INRIA, Rennes,
jnicolas at irisa.fr
Michel Benaim
Univeristé Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
Francesco Berganado
Università di Torino, Italy
Gilles Bisson
Imag, Grenoble
Pierre Brezellec
Université de Paris 13
Stéphane Canu
Heudiasyc, Compiègne
Antoine Cornuejols
LRI, Orsay
Colin De la Higuera
Université de St Etienne
Patrick Gallinari
Laforia, Paris
Frédérick Garcia
Inra, Toulouse
Olivier Gascuel
Lirmm, Montpellier
Engelbert Mephu Nguifo
CRIL, Université d'Artois, Lens
Laurent Miclet
Enssat, Lannion
Mohamed Quafafou
IRIN, Nantes
Céline Rouveirol
LRI, Orsay
Michèle Sebag
LMS, Paris
Dominique Snyers
ENSTbr, Brest
Christel Vrain
Université d'Orléans
Jean Daniel Zucker
Laforia, Paris
Engelbert Mephu Nguifo
Local Arrangement Chair
CRIL - IUT de Lens -
Université d'Artois
Claire Nédellec
Publicity Chair
LRI, Orsay
Jean Daniel Zucker
Tutorial Chair
Laforia, Paris
IUT de Lens - Université d'Artois
Rue de l'Université SP 16
62307 Lens cedex, France
Tel: (33) 3 21 79 32 55 / 73 Fax: (33) 3 21 79 32 72
E.mail: jfa98 at cril.univ-artois.fr
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