CFP: FLINS'98 workshop, September 14-16, 1998, in Antwerp, Belgium
Xiaozhong Li
xli at
Mon Oct 27 09:31:41 EST 1997
Dear friends,
Attached is an announcement of FLINS'98 which will be held in September
14-16, 1998,, Antwerp, Belgium.
For other information, please visit our homepage:
* Xiaozhong Li. PhD, Currently Postdoctoral Research Fellow *
* FLINS-Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent technologies in Nuclear Science *
* Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK.CEN) *----------*
* Boeretang 200, B-2400 Mol, Belgium | _L_ *
* phone: (+32-14) 33 22 30(O); 32 25 52(H) | /\X/\ *
* fax: (+32-14) 32 15 29 | \/Z\/ *
* e-mail:xli at | / \ @ *
Third International FLINS Workshop on
Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Technologies
for Nuclear Science and Industry
Organized by SCKCEN
September 14-16, 1998
The Astrid Park Plaza Hotel, Antwerp, Belgium.
Abstract submission deadline: December
15, 1997
Notification of acceptance: February 15,
Final manuscript deadline: April 15, 1998
FLINS, an acronym for Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent technologies in Nuclear
Science, is a recent established international
research forum aiming to advance the theory and applications of fuzzy logic
and novel intelligent technologies in nuclear science
and industry.
Following FLINS'94 and FLINS'96, the first and second international
workshops on this topic, FLINS'98 aims to bring
together scientists and researchers and to introduce the principles of
intelligent systems and soft computing such as fuzzy logic
(FL), neural network (NN), genetic algorithms (GA) and any combinations of
FL, NN, and GA, knowledge-based expert
systems and complex problem-solving techniques within nuclear industry and
related research fields.
FLINS'98 offers a unique international forum to present and discuss
techniques that are new and useful for nuclear science and
Workshop organization: SCKCEN FLINS
Co-sponsored by:
OMRON Belgium NV,
Ghent University, Belgium
TRACTEBEL Energy Engineering, Belgium
International Scientific Advisory Committee:
Honorary chairman:
L.A. Zadeh (University of California at Berkeley, USA)
H.-J. Zimmermann (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
Z. Bien (Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology)
D. Dubois (Université Paul Sabatier, France)
A. Fattah (IAEA, Austria)
P. Govaerts (SCKoCEN, Belgium)
C.F. Huang (Beijing Normal University, China)
J. Kacprzyk (Polish Academy of Science)
N. Kasabov (University of Otago, New Zealand)
E.E. Kerre (Ghent University, Belgium)
G.J. Klir (State University of New Youk at Binghamton, USA)
M.M. Gupta (University of Saskatchewan, Canada)
M. Modarres (University of Maryland at College Park, USA)
J. Montero, (Complutense University Madrid, Spain)
Y. Nishiwaki (University of Vienna, Austria)
T. Onisawa (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
H. Prade (Universite Paul Sabatier,France)
M. Roubens (Université de Liège, Belgium)
G. Resconi (Catholic University del S. Cuore, Brescia, Italy)
Ph. Smets (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
H. Takagi (Kyushu Inst. of Design, Japan)
E. Uchino (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
A.J. van der Wal (TNO, the Netherlands)
P. P. Wang (Duke University, USA)
R.R. Yager (Iona College, USA)
Organizing Committee:
Honorary Chairman:
E.E. Kerre (Ghent University, Belgium)
SCKCEN Advisors:
P. D'hondt
D. Ruan
W. Bogaerts,
B. Carlé,
B. De Baets,
G. de Cooman,
R. Roman,
B. Van de Walle
S. Lenaerts
C. Poortmans
H. Quets
H. Aït Abderrahim
Contributions describing original work, research projects, and
state-of-the-art reviews are solicited on the following
(nonrestrictive) list of topics to be covered at FLINS'98:
fuzzy logic,
neural networks,
genetic algorithms,
learning techniques,
man-machine interface,
decision-support techniques,
control theory,
rough set theory,
evidence theory,
belief theory,
functional modeling,
with applications in nuclear science and industry, and related research
fields, such as:
nuclear reactor control,
nuclear energy and environmental protection,
safety assessment,
human reliability,
risk analysis,
production processes in the fuel cycle,
waste and disposal,
power systems control,
load forecasting,
Authors are invited to submit a one-page abstract containing the paper
title, the authors' names and affiliations, complete
address (including email, fax, and phone) of the corresponding author(s),
five keywords and the abstract (200-250 words),
before December 15, 1997 by mail, fax, email to the FLINS'98 Chairman (see
below), or to fill in the abstracts submission
form on the Flins 98 Website.
The organizers intend to have the conference proceedings available to the
delegates (all accepted papers reviewed by the
scientific committee of FLINS'98 will be published as a book by World
Scientific Publishers).
Conference Fee
early registration (before April 15, 1998) 15,000 BEF
late registration (after April 15, 1998) 18,000 BEF
2.Student/invited session chair:
early registration (before April 15, 1998) 9,000 BEF
late registration (after April 15, 1998) 12,000 BEF
Registration fee (21 % VAT incl.) entitles you to (for everyone):
access to the conference sessions
get a copy of the final program and the proceedings (book form by World
have coffeebreaks with refreshments
have conference reception
have 3-day lunches
have daily one free drink at the exclusive Diamond Club of the hotel
1 US $ is approximately 35 BEF
Important Dates
abstract submission deadline: December 15, 1997,
notification of acceptance: February 15, 1998,
final manuscript deadline: April 15, 1998.
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