(Detailed) CFP: Fuzzy-Neuro Systems '98 in Munich
Till Brychcy
brychcy at informatik.tu-muenchen.de
Fri Oct 24 09:37:32 EDT 1997
5. International GI-Workshop
Fuzzy-Neuro Systems '98
- Computational Intelligence -
18 - 20 March 1998, Munich
Fuzzy-Neuro Systems '98 is the fifth event of a well established
series of workshops with international participation. Its aim is to
give an overview of the state of art in research and development of
fuzzy systems and artificial neural networks. Another aim is to
highlight applications of these methods and to forge innovative links
between theory and application by means of creative discussions.
Fuzzy-Neuro Systems '98 is being organized by the Research Committee
1.2 "Inference Systems" (Fachausschuss 1.2 "Inferenzsysteme") of the
German Society of Computer Science GI (Gesellschaft fur Informatik
e. V.) and Technische Universitat Munchen in cooperation with
Siemens AG. The workshop takes place at the European Patent Office in
Munich from March 18 to 20, 1998
Scientific Topics
* theory and principles of multivalued logic and fuzzy logic
* representation of fuzzy knowledge
* approximate reasoning
* fuzzy control in theory and practice
* fuzzy logic in data analysis, signal processing and pattern recognition
* fuzzy classification systems
* fuzzy decision support systems
* fuzzy logic in non-technical areas like business administration,
management etc.
* fuzzy databases
* theory and principles of artificial neural networks
* hybrid learning algorithms
* neural networks in pattern recognition, classification, process monitoring
and production control
* theory and principles of evolutionary algorithms: genetic algorithms and
evolution strategies
* discrete parameter and structure optimization
* hybrid systems like neuro-fuzzy systems, connectionistic expert systems etc.
* special hardware and software
Program Committee
Prof. Dr. W. Banzhaf, University of Dortmund
Dr. M. Berthold, University of Karlsruhe
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. W. Brauer, Technische Universitat Munchen (Chairman)
Prof. Dr. G. Brewka, University of Leipzig
Dr. K. Eder, Kratzer Automation GmbH, Unterschlei=DFheim
Prof. Dr. C. Freksa, University of Hamburg
Prof. Dr. M. Glesner, Technical University of Darmstadt
Prof. Dr. S. Gottwald, University of Leipzig
Prof. Dr. A. Grauel, University of Paderborn, Dept. Soest
Prof. Dr. H.-M. Gross, Technical University of Ilmenau
Dr. A. Gunter, University of Bremen
Dr. J. Hollatz, Siemens AG, Munich
Prof. Dr. R. Isermann, Technical University of Darmstadt
Prof. Dr. P. Klement, University of Linz, Austria
Prof. Dr. R. Kruse, University of Magdeburg (Vice Chairman)
Prof. Dr. B. Mertsching, University of Hamburg
Prof. Dr. R. Nakaeizadeh, Daimler Research Laboratory, Ulm
Prof. Dr. K. Obermayer, Technical University of Berlin
Prof. Dr. G. Palm, University of Ulm
Dr. R. Palm, Siemens AG, Munich
Dr. L. Peters, Institute for System Design Technology, St. Augustin
Prof. Dr. F. Pichler, University of Linz, Austria
Dr. P. Protzel, FORWISS, Erlangen
Prof. Dr. B. Reusch, University of Dortmund
Prof. Dr. Rigoll, University of Duisburg
Prof. Dr. R. Rojas, University of Halle
Prof. Dr. B. Schurmann, Siemens AG, Munich (Vice Chairman)
Prof. Dr. W. von Seelen, University of Bochum
Prof. Dr. H. Thiele, University of Dortmund
Prof. Dr. W. Wahlster, University of Saarbrucken
Prof. Dr. H.-J. Zimmermann, Technical University of Aachen
Organization Committee
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. W. Brauer, Technische Universitat Munchen (Chairman)
Dr. J. Hollatz, Siemens AG, Munich (Vice Chairman)
C. Kirchmair, Technische Universitat Munchen
C. Harms, GMD National Research Center for Information Technology, St. Augustin
Organizational Information
30.11.1997: abridged version (English, 4 to 6 pages DIN A4 size) of
following structure:
* title
* author(s), address, phone, fax, e-mail
* contents:
1. abstract
2. key words (not more than 5)
3. state of the art
4. new aspects
5. theory, simulation or experiment
6. results and conclusion
7. references
December '97: notification of acceptance or rejection of contribution
28.01.1997: final camera-ready papers for proceedings (up to 8 pages
DIN A4 size)
Formatting instructions will be available soon at:
Please send four copies of your scientific contribution to:
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. W. Brauer
- FNS '98 -
Institut fur Informatik
Technische Universitat Munchen
D-80290 Munchen
If you would like to take part in the workshop without submitting a
paper please send your email adress to
fns98 at tiki.informatik.tu-muenchen.de
We will send you a copy of the
workshop program as soon as available.
For further information visit the Internet homepage at:
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