James M. Bower
jbower at
Tue Oct 21 19:56:07 EDT 1997
With this email we announce CNS*98, the next Computational Neuroscience
Annual Meeting to be held this coming July in Santa Barbara,
For those of you attending the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting
this coming week in New Orleans, you can pick up a freshly printed
poster for the meeting by ERICA, at the NIMH booth.
Those of you already on the CNS meeing mailing list will recieve the
poster and call for papers through the mail in the next few weeks.
Please note in the following call for papers that we have introduced a
new all electronic form of paper submission using a custom designed
JAVA/HTML interface.
Additional information on paper submission and the meeting itself is
available at:
Seventh Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting
July 26 - 30, 1998
Santa Barbara,
11:59pm January 26, 1998
This is the seventh annual meeting of an interdisciplinary conference
addressing a broad range of research approaches and issues involved in
the field of computational neuroscience. These meetings bring
together experimental and theoretical neurobiologists along with
engineers, computer scientists, cognitive scientists, physicists, and
mathematicians interested in the functioning of biological nervous
systems. Peer reviewed papers are presented all related to
understanding how nervous systems compute. As in previous years,
CNS*98 will equally emphasize experimental, model-based, and more
abstract theoretical approaches to understanding neurobiological
The meeting in 1998 will take place at the Fess Parker's Double Tree
Resort in Santa Barbara, California, and include plenary, contributed,
and poster sessions. The first session starts at 9 am, Sunday, July
26th and ends with the annual banquet on Thursday evening, July 30th.
There will be no parallel sessions. The meeting will include time for
informal workshops focused on current issues in computational
neuroscience. Travel funds will be available for students and
postdoctoral fellows presenting papers. Child day care will also be
Santa Barbara, California is approximately 1 1/2 hours by car from the
Los Angeles International airport. Airport shuttles from the airport
to Santa Barbara run regularly. In addition, Santa Barbara has its
own small airport. The hotel itself is located on the ocean and
within walking distance from distinctive downtown Santa Barbara.
With this announcement we solicit the submission of presented papers
all of which will be refereed. Peer review will be conducted based on
a 1000-word (or less) summary describing the methods, nature, and
importance of your results. Authors will be notified of acceptance by
the second week of May, 1998.
This year, for the first, time, submission of papers will be performed
electronically using a custom designed JAVA/HTML interface. Full
instructions for submission can be found at the meeting web site: However, in brief,
authors should cut and paste text from their own word processors into
the forms available on the web site. It is important that all
requested information be provided, including a 100 word abstract for
publication in the conference program, all author information, and
selection of the appropriate category and theme from the list
Authors should especially note the mechanisms used for handling
figures and mathematical equations. All submissions will be
acknowledged immediately by email. Program committee decisions will
be sent to the designated correspondence author only. Submissions
will not be considered if they lack category information, abstracts,
author addresses, or are late.
We would like to strongly encourage authors to make their submissions
electronically. However, if you do not have ready access to the
internet or a web server, we will send you instructions for paper
submission if you contact us either by email to
cns98 at or at the following address:
Division of Biology 216-76
Pasadena, CA 91125
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION concerning the meeting, including hotel and
travel arrangements or information on past meetings can be obtained by:
o Using our on-line WWW information and registration server, URL of:
o ftp-ing to our ftp site.
yourhost% ftp
Name (<yourname>): ftp
Password: yourname at yourhost.yourside.yourdomain
ftp> cd cns98
ftp> ls
o Sending Email to:
cns98 at
Co-meeting Chair / Logistics - John Miller, Montana State University
Co-meeting Chair / Finances and Program - Jim Bower, Caltech
Governmental Liaison - Dennis Glanzman, NIMH/NIH
Workshop Organizer - to be announced
1998 Program Committee:
Axel Borst, Max-Planck Inst., Tuebingen, Germany
Leif Finkel, University of Pennsylvania
Anders Lansner, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Linda Larson-Prior, Pennsylvania State University Medical College
David Touretzky, Carnegie Mellon University
Gina Turrigiano, Brandeis University
Ranu Jung, University of Kentucky
Simon Thorpe, CNRS, Toulouse, France
1998 Regional Organizers:
Europe- Erik DeSchutter (Belgium)
Middle East - Idan Segev (Jerusalem)
Down Under - Mike Paulin (New Zealand)
South America - Renato Sabbatini (Brazil)
Asia - Zhaoping Li (MIT)
India - Upinder Bhalla (Bangalore)
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