ACNN'98: 2nd Call for Papers

Marcus Gallagher marcusg at
Mon Oct 20 03:28:29 EDT 1997


        The Ninth Australian Conference on Neural Networks

        Brisbane, Australia                     Feb 11-13, 1998

        Second Announcement and Final Call for Papers


The ninth Australian conference on neural networks will be held in
Brisbane on Feb 11-13 1998 at the University of Queensland. ACNN'98 is
the annual national meeting of the Australian neural network community.
It is a multi-disciplinary meeting and seeks contributions from
Neuroscientists, Engineers, Computer Scientists, Mathematicians,
Physicists and Psychologists.

Invited Speakers 

The program will include several invited talks, at least 3 of which
will be presented by overseas speakers.

Pre-Conference Workshop

A Pre-Conference Workshop will be held on Tuesday 10th February 1998 at
the same venue as the conference.  The emphasis of the workshop will be
on neural network simulation and robotics.  Further details (including
registration, etc.) will be made available in the near future.

Special Sessions

The following Special Sessions have been proposed for ACNN'98.  These
will consist of invited talks followed by regular presentations of
relevant papers.  Submissions which are relevant to a special session
are being invited for inclusion in the session.  All papers presented
in special sessions will appear in the conference proceedings.

        Rule Extraction & Connectionist Knowledge Representation

        Modelling Higher Cognitive Processes

        Computational Learning Theory

        Modularity in Neural Networks


Papers should be submitted to the ACNN'98 Secretariat as close as
possible to final form and must not exceed 5 single pages (2 column
format, 10pt or more).  The ACNN'98 web page
( includes LateX style and template
files for authors using LateX.  An example document showing the general
layout of submissions is also available via the web page in Postscript
and Pdf formats - authors are encouraged to use this document as a
general guide to formatting of papers.  For full submission details
please refer to the web page.  

Following notification of acceptance results, authors will be required
to submit a one page, extended abstract for accepted papers.  These
abstracts will be distributed to delegates at the conference. 
Camera-ready papers will then be required for submission shortly after
the conference, and proceedings will then be sent out to delegates.

Submissions of initial papers, extended abstracts and camera-ready
papers in electronic format (via email) are encouraged, to give authors
the maximum available time to prepare submissions.  Authors 

ACNN'98 will include a special poster session devoted to recent work
and work-in-progress.  Abstracts are solicited for this session (1 page
limit) and may be submitted up to 10 days before the commencement of
the conference.  They will not be refereed or included in the
proceedings, but will be distributed to attendees upon arrival. 
Students are especially encouraged to participate in this session.

Submission Categories

Submissions are encouraged in, but not limited to, the following topics:

Applications: Examples - Signal processing and analysis; Pattern
recognition; Speech, Machine vision; Motor control; Robotics;
Forecasting; Medical

Architectures and Learning Algorithms: New architectures and learning
algorithms; Hierarchy; Modularity; Learning pattern sequences;
Information integration; Evolutionary computation; Machine learning

Cognitive Science: Models of perception and pattern recognition;
Memory; Concept formation; Problem solving and reasoning; Language
acquisition and production

Neuroscience: Vision, Audition, Motor Somatosensory and Autonomic
functions; Synaptic function; Cellular information processing

Theory: Learning; Generalisation; Complexity; Stability; Dynamics

Implementation: Hardware implementations of neural nets; Analog and
digital VLSI implementation; Optical implementation

Important Dates

        Paper Submissions Due             Mon 17th Nov 97
        Workshop & Tutorial Proposals     Mon 6th Oct 97
        Notification of Acceptance        Fri 19th Dec 97
        Work In Progress Abstracts Due    Mon 2nd Feb 98
        Extended Abstracts Due            Mon 2nd Feb 98

Registration Fees

                Students        Regular         After 15th Jan 98
ACNN'98         A$100           A$300           A$400

Organising Committee:

Prof. Tom Downs                 University of Queensland        (Chair)
Dr. Janet Wiles                 University of Queensland
Prof. Joachim Diederich         Queensland University of Technology
Dr. P Suganthan                 University of Queensland
Dr. Marcus Frean                University of Queensland        
Marcus Gallagher                University of Queensland
Robert Andrews                  Queensland University of Technology
Ian Wood                        University of Queensland
Peter Stratton                  University of Queensland

Contact Information:

ACNN'98 Secretariat
Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Queensland
QLD. 4072.

email:  acnn98 at

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