TR available --- Visual segmentation without classification in a model of V1
Zhaoping Li
zhaoping at
Fri Oct 3 14:25:33 EDT 1997
Dear Connectionists,
The following Technical report published by the AI publications
office at MIT may be accessed via
Visual segmentation without classification
in a model of the primary visual cortex
Zhaoping Li
Stimuli outside classical receptive fields significantly influence
the neurons' activities in primary visual cortex. We propose
that such contextual influences are used to segment regions by
detecting the breakdown of homogeneity or translation invariance
in the input, thus computing GLOBAL region boundaries using
LOCAL interactions. This is implemented in a biologically
based model of V1, and demonstrated in examples of texture
segmentation and figure-ground segregation. By contrast with
traditional approaches, segmentation occurs without classification
or comparison of features within or between regions and is
performed by exactly the same neural circuit responsible for
the dual problem of the grouping and enhancement of contours.
Zhaoping Li (zhaoping at
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