COLT98 call for papers
Peter Bartlett
Peter.Bartlett at
Tue Nov 25 02:29:35 EST 1997
Eleventh Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory
University of Wisconsin-Madison
July 24-26, 1998
The Eleventh Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory
(COLT '98) will be held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from
Friday, July 24 through Sunday, July 26, 1998.
The conference will be co-located with the Fifteenth International
Conference on Machine Learning (ICML '98) and the Fourteenth
Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI '98).
Registrants to any of COLT, ICML, or UAI will be allowed to attend,
without additional costs, the technical sessions of the other two
conferences. Joint invited speakers, poster session, and a panel
session are planned for the three conferences. The conferences will
be directly followed by the Fifteenth National Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (AAAI '98). The AAAI tutorial and workshop
program will be held the day after the co-located conferences
(Monday, July 27), and we anticipate that this program will include
workshops and tutorials in the machine learning area. On the same
day, UAI will offer a full day course on uncertain reasoning. There
will be six other AI-related conferences held in Madison around this
We invite papers in all areas that relate directly to the analysis of
learning algorithms and the theory of machine learning. Some of the
issues and topics that have been addressed in the past include:
* design and analysis of learning algorithms;
* sample and computational complexity of learning specific model
* frameworks modeling the interaction between the learner, teacher
and the environment (such as learning with queries, learning control
policies and inductive inference);
* learning using complex models (such as neural networks and decision
* learning with minimal prior assumptions (such as mistake-bound
models, universal prediction, and agnostic learning).
We strongly encourage submissions from all disciplines engaged in
research on these and related questions. Examples of such fields
include computer science, statistics, information theory, pattern
recognition, statistical physics, inductive logic programming,
information retrieval and reinforcement learning. We also encourage
the submission of papers describing experimental results that are
supported by theoretical analysis.
Authors are encouraged to submit their extended abstracts electronically.
Instructions for electronic submissions can be obtained by sending email
to colt98 at with subject "help".
Alternatively, authors may submit fourteen copies (preferably
two-sided) of an extended abstract to:
Peter Bartlett -- COLT '98
Department of Systems Engineering
RSISE Building 115
Australian National University
Canberra 0200 Australia
Telephone (for express mail): +61 2 6279 8681
Extended abstracts (whether hard-copy or electronic) must be received by
5:00pm Canberra time (= 1:00am Eastern Time) on
This deadline is firm. (We also will accept extended abstracts sent via
air mail and postmarked by January 19.) Authors will be notified of
acceptance or rejection on or before April 3, 1998. Final
camera-ready versions will be due by May 1. Papers that have appeared
in journals or other conferences, or that are being submitted to
other conferences (including ICML and UAI), are not appropriate for
submission to COLT.
The extended abstract should be accompanied by a cover page with title,
authors' names, postal and email addresses, and a 200-word summary.
The body of the extended abstract should be no longer than 10 pages in
12-point font. If it exceeds 10 pages, only the first 10 pages may be
examined. The extended abstract should include a clear definition of
the theoretical model used and a clear description of the results, as
well as a discussion of their significance, including comparison to
other work. Proofs or proof sketches should be included.
All accepted papers will be presented orally, although some or all
papers may also be included in a poster session. At the discretion of
the program committee, the program may consist of both long and short
talks, corresponding to longer and shorter papers in the proceedings.
By default, all papers will be considered for both categories. Authors
who do not want their papers considered for the short category should
indicate that fact in a cover letter.
Peter Bartlett (Australian National University)
Yishay Mansour (Tel-Aviv University)
Dana Angluin (Yale University),
Peter Auer (Technical University Graz),
Jonathan Baxter (Australian National University),
Avrim Blum (Carnegie Mellon University),
Nicoló Cesa-Bianchi (University of Milan),
William Cohen (AT&T Labs),
Bill Gasarch (University of Maryland),
Vijay Raghavan (Vanderbilt University),
Dan Roth (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign),
Ronitt Rubinfeld (Cornell University),
Stuart Russell (University of California, Berkeley),
Rolf Wiehagen (University of Kaiserslautern)
John Case (University of Delaware),
Jude Shavlik (University of Wisconsin, Madison),
Bob Sloan (University of Illinois, Chicago).
WEB: Dana Ron (MIT).
We anticipate some funds will be available to partially support travel
by student authors. Eligible authors who wish to apply for travel
support should indicate this in a cover letter.
The Mark Fulk Award for the best paper authored or coauthored by a
student is expected to be available for the first time this year.
Eligible authors who wish to be considered for this prize should
indicate this on the cover page.
Visit the COLT'98 web page at,
or send email to colt98 at
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