4th Annual Joint Symposium on Neural Computation
Terry Sejnowski
terry at salk.edu
Sat May 31 01:00:23 EDT 1997
Abstract for the papers at this meeting can be found at:
Proceedings can be obtained from the Institute for Neural Computation,
UCSD 0523, La Jolla, CA 92093.
--- 4th Annual Joint Symposium on Neural Computation ---
Co-sponsored by
Institute for Neural Computation
University of California, San Diego
Biomedical Engineering Department
and Neuroscience Program
University of Southern California
The University of Southern California
University Park Campus
Rm. 124, Seeley G. Mudd Building
Saturday, May 17, 1997
8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Session 1: "VISION" - Bartlett Mel, Chair
9:00 am Peter Kalocsai, USC
"Using Extension Fields to Improve Proformance of a
Biologically Inspired Recognition Model"
9:15 am Kechen Zhang, The Salk Institute
"A Conjugate Neural Representation of Visual Objects
in Three Dimensions"
9:30 am Alexander Grunewald, Caltech
"Detection of First and Second Order Motion"
9:45 am Zhong-Lin Lu, USC
"Extracting Characteristic Structures from Natural
Images Through Statistically Certified Unsupervised
10:00 am Don McCleod, UC San Diego
"Optimal Nonlinear Codes"
10:15 am Lisa J. Croner, The Salk Institute
"Segmentation by Color Influences Response of
Motion-Sensitive Neurons in Cortical Area MT"
10:15 am - 10:30 am *** BREAK ***
Session 2: "CODING in NEURAL SYSTEMS" - Christof Koch, Chair
10:30 am Dawei Dong, Caltech
"How Efficient is Temporal Coding in the Early
Visual System?"
10:45 am Martin Stemmler, Caltech
"Entropy Maximization in Hodgkin-Huxley Models"
11:00 am Michael Wehr, Caltech
"Temporal coding with Oscillatory Sequences of Firing"
11:15 am Martin J. McKeown, The Salk Institutde
"Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data
Interpreted as Spatially Independent Mixtures"
11:30 am KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Prof. Irving Biederman,
William M. Keck Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience
Departments of Psychology and Computer Science
and the Neuroscience Program, USC
"Shape Representation in Mind and Brain"
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm *** LUNCH/POSTERS ***
P1. Konstantinos Alataris, USC
"Modeling of Neuronal Ensemble Dynamics"
P2. George Barbastathis, Caltech
"Awareness-Based Computation"
P3. Marian Stewart Bartlett, UC San Diego
"What are the Independent Components of
Face Images?"
P4. Maxim Bazhenov,The Salk Institute
"A Computational Model of Intrathalamic
Augmenting Responses"
P5. Alan Bond, Caltech
"A Computational Model for the Primate Brain
Based on its Functional Architecture"
P6. Glen Brown, The Salk Institute
"Output Sign Switching by Neurons is Mediated
by a Novel Voltage-Dependent Sodium Current"
P7. Martin Chian, USC
"Characterization of Unobservable Neural Circuitry
in the Hippocampus with Nonlinear Systems Analysis"
P8. Carl Chiang, The Neuroscience Institute
"Visual and Sensorimotor Intra- and Intercolumnar
Synchronization in Awake Behaving Cat"
P9. Matthew Dailey, UC San Diego
"Learning a Specializtion for Face Recognition"
P10. Emmanuel Gillissen, Caltech
"Comparative Studies of Callosal Specification
in M ammals"
P11. Michael Gray, The Salk Institute
"Infomative Features for Visual Speechreading"
P12. Alex Guazzelli, USC
"A Taxon-Affordances Model of Rat Navigation"
P13. Marwan Jabri, The Salk Instutute/Sydney University
"A Neural Network Model for Saccades and
Fixation on Superior Colliculus"
P14. Mathew Lamb, USC
"Depth Based Prey Capture in Frogs and Salamanders"
P15. Te-Won Lee, The Salk Instutute
"Independent Component Analysis for Mixed Sub-Gaussian
and Super-Gaussian Sources"
P16. George Marnellos, The Salk Institute
"A Gene Network of Early Neurogenesis in Drosophila"
P17. Steve Potter, Caltech
"Animat in a Petri Dish: Cultured Neural Networks for
Studying Neural Computation"
P18. James Prechtl, UC San Diego
"Visual Stimuli Induce Propagating Waves of
Electrical Activity in Turtle Cortex"
P19. Raphael Ritz, The Salk Institute
"Multiple Synfire Chains in Simultaneous Action
Lead to Poisson-Like Neuronal Firing"
P20. Adrian Robert, UC San Diego
"A Model of the Effects of Lamination and
Celltype Specialization in the Neocortex"
P21. Joseph Sirosh, HNC Software Inc.
"Large-Scale Neural Network Simulations Suggest a
Single Mechanism for the Self-Organization of
Orientation Maps, Lateral Connections and Dynamic
Receptive Fields in the Primary Visual Cortex"
P22. George Sperling, UC Irvine
"A Proposed Architecture for Visual Motion
P23. Adam Taylor, UC San Diego
"Dynamics of a Recurrent Network of
Two Bipolar Units"
P24. Laurenz Wiskott, The Salk Institute
"Objective Functions for Neural Map Formation"
Session 3: "HARDWARE" - Michael Arbib, Chair
2:30 pm Christof Born, Caltech
"Real Time Ego-Motion Estimation with
Neuromorphic Analog VLSI Sensors"
2:45 pm Anil Thakoor, JPL
"High Speed Image Computation with 3D
Analog Neural Hardware"
Session 4: "VISUOMOTOR COORDINATION" - Michael Arbib, Chair
3:00 pm Marwan Jabri, The Salk Institute/Sydney University
"A Computational Model of Auditory Space
Neural Coding in the Superior Colliculus"
3:15 pm Amanda Bischoff, USC
"Modeling the Basal Ganglia in a Reciprocal
Aiming Task"
3:30 pm Jacob Spoelstra, USC
"A Computational Model of the Role of the
Cerebellum in Adapting to Throwing While
Wearing Wedge Prism Glasses"
3:45 pm - 4:00 pm *** BREAK ***
Session 5: "CHANNELS, SYNAPSES, and DENDRITES" - Terry Sejnowski, Chair
4:00 pm Akaysha C. Tang, The Salk Institute
"Modeling the Effect of Neuromodulation
of Spike Timing in Neocortical Neurons"
4:15 pm Michael Eisele, The Salk Institute
"Reinforcement Learning by Pyramidal Neurons"
4:30 pm Sunil S. Dalal, USC
"A Nonlinear Prositive Feedback Model of
Glutamatergic Synaptic Transmission in
Dentate Gyrus"
4:45 pm Venkatesh Murthy, The Salk Institute
"Are Neighboring Synapses Independent?"
5:00 pm Gary Holt, Caltech
"Shunting Inhibition Does Not Have a
Divisive Effect on Firing Rates"
5:15 pm Kevin Archie, USC
"Binocular Disparity Tuning in Cortical
'Complex' Cells: Yet Another Role for
Intradendritic Computation?"
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