Postdoc position available

Ben Krose krose at
Tue May 27 04:38:25 EDT 1997

I apologize if you receive this announcement multiple times.
Ben Kr\"ose
                        available at the
        University of Amsterdam, Dept. of Computer Science
                   Amsterdam, the Netherlands

The Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS) Group at the University of 
Amsterdam is looking for a highly motivated research fellow for a 
2 year postdoctoral position in the area of `Active Map Building and 
Sensoric Representations for Autonomous Learning Robot Systems'. 
With this project, the IAS group participates (with the Foundation
for Neural Networks, SNN) in the Japanese `Real World Computing
Partnership' (RWCP). We will develop methods for an intelligent,
`hearing' and `seeing' robot, which has to act in an environment 
inhabitated by humans. Perception and map building are
essential tasks for the system.
The emphasis of the research will be on the application of neural 
(or other statistical) methodologies for the projection of high-
dimensional sensor data to low-dimensional `environment representations'. 

Applicants should have a PhD in computer science, physics or electronic 
engineering, must have a strong background in learning, neurocomputing 
or statistics and must see the challenge of dealing with real-world 
sensoric data. 

Job specification: The post-doc salary will be maximally Dfl. 6140 per month, 
depending on experience. The position is available for 2 years with possible 
extension with a year. 

Applications: Interested candidates should send a letter with a CV and list 
of publications before June 15 1997 to 
dr.  Ben J.A. Krose, 
Department of Computer Science
University of Amsterdam
Kruislaan 403 
1098 SJ Amsterdam 
The Netherlands

For information you can contact me:
krose at
Phone +31 20 525 7463 
Fax   +31 20 525 7490

A short description on the project can be found at

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