preprint - Complex Cells and Object Recognition

Shimon Edelman edelman at
Fri May 23 14:37:07 EDT 1997

Title:		Complex Cells and Object Recognition
Authors:	Shimon Edelman, Nathan Intrator, Tomaso Poggio
ftp  URL:
http URL:


Nearest-neighbor correlation-based similarity computation in the space
of outputs of complex-type receptive fields can support robust
recognition of 3D objects. Our experiments with four collections of
objects resulted in mean recognition rates between 84% (for
subordinate-level discrimination among 15 quadruped animal shapes) and
94% (for basic-level recognition of 20 everyday objects), over a 
40deg X 40deg range of viewpoints, centered on a stored canonical view
and related to it by rotations in depth. This result has interesting
implications for the design of a front end to an artificial object
recognition system, and for the understanding of the faculty of object
recognition in primate vision.

Comments welcome.


Dr. Shimon Edelman,  Center for Biol & Comp Learning, MIT
fax: (+1) 617 253-2964  tel: 253-6357  edelman at

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