Rapid best-first retrieval from massive dictionaries (paper available)
Simon Lucas
sml%essex.ac.uk at seralph21.essex.ac.uk
Fri May 2 04:53:55 EDT 1997
The following paper has recently been published in Pattern
Recognition Letters (vol 17; 1507 - 1512), and may be
of interest to people on this list.
Rapid Best-First Retrieval from Massive Dictionaries
by Lazy Evaluation of a Syntactic Neural Network
S.M. Lucas
A new method of searching large dictionaries
given uncertain inputs is described,
based on the lazy evaluation of a syntactic neural network (SNN).
The new method is shown to significantly outperform a conventional
trie-based method for large dictionaries (e.g.\ in excess of 100,000
Results are presented for the problem of recognising UK postcodes
using dictionary sizes of up to 1 million entries. Most significantly,
it is demonstrated that the SNN actually gets {\em faster} as more data
is loaded into it.
Sorry, but no electronic version available due to
copyright. Paper offprints available on request.
Simon Lucas
Dr. Simon Lucas
Department of Electronic Systems Engineering
University of Essex
Colchester CO4 3SQ
United Kingdom
Tel: (+44) 1206 872935
Fax: (+44) 1206 872900
Email: sml at essex.ac.uk
secretary: Mrs Janet George (+44) 1206 872438
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