Terry Sejnowski terry at
Thu Mar 20 01:58:53 EST 1997

Neural Computation -  Contents Volume 9, Number 3 - April 1, 1997


A Neuro-Mimetic Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm for Control: 
Analysis and Applications
	Harpreet S. Kwatra, Francis J. Doyle III, Ilya A. Rybak, 
		and James S. Schwaber

Conductance-Based Integrate and Fire Models
	Alain Destexhe

A Simple Model of Transmitter Release and Facilitation
	Richard Bertram
Functional Periodic Intracortical Couplings Induced by Structured 	
Lateral Inhibition in a Linear Cortical Network
	S. P. Sabatini, G. M. Bisio and L. Raffo

Possible Roles of Spontaneous Waves and Dendritic Growth for 	
Retinal Receptive Field Development
	Pierre-Yves Burgi and Norberto M. Grzywacz
Singularities in Primate Orientation Maps
	K. Obermayer and G. G. Blasdel
Topographic Receptive Fields and Patterned Lateral Interaction in a 	
Self-Organizing Model of the Primary Visual Cortex
	Joseph Sirosh and Risto Miikkulainen
The Formation of Topographic Maps that Maximize the Average Mutual 
Information of the Output Responses to Noiseless Input Signals
	Marc M. Van Hulle

Self-Organization of Firing Activities in Monkey's Motor Cortex:  
Trajectory Computation from Spike Signals
	Siming Lin, Jennie Si, and A. B. Schwartz
Hyperparameter Selection for Self-Organizing Maps
	Akio Utsugi
Supervised Networks Which Self-Organize Class Outputs
	Ramesh R. Sarukkai
How Well Can We Estimate the Information Carried in Neuronal 	
Responses from Limited Samples?
	David Golomb, John Hertz, Stefano Panzeri, Alessandro Treves 
		and Barry Richmond

Covariance Learning of Correlated Patterns in Competitive Networks
	Ali A. Minai
A Mobile Robot that Learns its Place
	Sageev Oore, Geoffrey E. Hinton, and Gregory Dudek




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