NIPS*97 Call for Papers
Michael Jordan
jordan at
Sat Mar 8 10:12:24 EST 1997
Neural Information Processing Systems -- Natural and Synthetic
Monday December 1 - Saturday December 6, 1997
Denver, Colorado
This is the eleventh meeting of an interdisciplinary conference which brings
together cognitive scientists, computer scientists, engineers, neuroscientists,
physicists, and mathematicians interested in all aspects of neural processing
and computation. The conference will include invited talks and oral and
poster presentations of refereed papers. The conference is single track
and is highly selective. Preceding the main session, there will be one day
of tutorial presentations (Dec. 1), and following will be two days of
focused workshops on topical issues at a nearby ski area (Dec. 5-6). Major
categories for paper submission, with example subcategories (by no means
exhaustive), are as follows:
Algorithms and Architectures: supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms,
model selection algorithms, feedforward and recurrent network architectures,
localized basis functions, online learning algorithms, active learning
algorithms, algorithms for combining classifiers, belief networks, combinatorial
Applications: handwriting recognition, DNA and protein sequence analysis,
expert systems, fault diagnosis, financial analysis, medical diagnosis,
music processing, time-series prediction.
Artificial Intelligence: inductive reasoning, problem solving and planning,
natural language understanding, hybrid symbolic-subsymbolic systems.
Cognitive Science: perception and psychophysics, development, neuropsychology,
cognitive neuroscience, language, human learning and memory, attention.
Implementation: analog and digital VLSI, optical neurocomputing systems,
novel neuro-devices, simulation tools, parallelism.
Neuroscience: functional imaging, systems physiology, neural coding, synchrony,
synaptic plasticity, neuromodulation, dendritic computation, calcium dynamics,
inhibition, computational models.
Reinforcement Learning and Control: exploration, dynamic programming,
planning, navigation, robotic motor control, process control, Markov
decision processes.
Speech and Signal Processing: speech recognition, speech coding, speech
synthesis, rapid adaptation, robust processing, auditory scene analysis,
models of human speech perception.
Theory: computational learning theory, statistical mechanics of learning,
dynamics of learning algorithms, learning of dynamical systems, approximation
and estimation theory, combining predictors, model selection, complexity
Visual Processing: image processing, image coding and classification, object
recognition, stereopsis, motion detection and tracking, visual psychophysics.
Review Criteria: All submitted papers will be thoroughly refereed on the
basis of technical quality, significance, and clarity. Novelty of the work
is also a strong consideration in paper selection, but to encourage
interdisciplinary contributions, we will consider work which has been
submitted or presented in part elsewhere, if it is unlikely to have been seen
by the NIPS audience. Authors should not be dissuaded from submitting recent
work, as there will be an opportunity after the meeting to revise accepted
manuscripts before submitting final camera-ready copy.
Paper Format: Submitted papers may be up to seven pages in length, including
figures and references, using a font no smaller than 10 point. Submissions
failing to follow these guidelines will not be considered. Authors are
encouraged to use the NIPS LaTeX style files obtainable by anonymous FTP at
the site given below. Papers must indicate (1) physical and e-mail addresses
of all authors; (2) one of the nine major categories listed above, and, if
desired, a subcategory; (3) if the work, or any substantial part thereof, has
been submitted to or has appeared in other scientific conferences; (4) the
authors' preference, if any, for oral or poster presentation (this preference
will play no role in paper acceptance); and (5) author to whom correspondence
should be addressed.
Submission Instructions: Send eight copies of submitted papers to the address
below; electronic or FAX submission is not acceptable. Include one
additional copy of the abstract only, to be used for preparation of the
abstracts booklet distributed at the meeting. SUBMISSIONS MUST BE RECEIVED
BY MAY 23, 1997. From within the U.S., submissions will be accepted if mailed
first class and postmarked by May 20, 1997.
Mail submissions to:
Michael Kearns
NIPS*97 Program Chair
AT&T Laboratories Research
Room 2A-423
600 Mountain Avenue
Murray Hill, NJ 07974-0636 USA
Mail general inquiries and requests for registration material to:
NIPS*97 Registration
Conference Consulting Associates
451 N. Sycamore
Monticello, IA 52310
fax: (319) 465-6709 (attn: Denise Prull)
e-mail: nipsinfo at
Copies of the LaTeX style files for NIPS are available via anonymous ftp at ( in /afs/cs/Web/Groups/NIPS/formatting
The style files and other conference information may also be retrieved via
World Wide Web at
NIPS*97 Organizing Committee: General Chair, Michael Jordan, MIT;
Program Chair, Michael Kearns, AT&T Labs Research; Publications Chair,
Sara Solla, Northwestern University; Tutorial Chair, Satinder Singh,
University of Colorado; Workshops Co-Chairs, Steven Nowlan, Lexicus,
and Richard Zemel, University of Arizona; Publicity Chair, Anthony Bell,
Salk Institute; Local Arrangements, Arun Jagota, University of California,
Santa Cruz; Treasurer, Bartlett Mel, University of Southern California;
Web Master, Doug Baker, Carnegie Mellon University; Government Liaison,
John Moody, OGI; Contracts, Steve Hanson, Rutgers University, Scott
Kirkpatrick, IBM, Gerry Tesauro, IBM. Conference arrangements by
Conference Consulting Associates, Monticello, IA.
NIPS*97 Program Committee: Sue Becker, McMaster University; Joachim Buhmann,
University of Bonn; Tom Dietterich, Oregon State University; Michael Kearns,
AT&T Labs Research (chair); Richard Lippmann, MIT Lincoln Lab; Larry Saul,
AT&T Labs Research; Jude Shavlik, University of Wisconsin; Rich Sutton,
University of Massachusetts; Tali Tishby, Hebrew University; Michael Turmon,
Jet Propulsion Lab; Paul Viola, MIT; John Wawrzynek, UC Berkeley; Tony Zador,
Salk Institute.
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