Terry Sejnowski terry at
Fri Jun 13 12:30:32 EDT 1997

Neural Computation -  Contents - Volume 9, Number 5 - July 1, 1997


Hybrid Learning of Mapping and its Jacobian in Multilayer 
Neural Networks
	Jeong-Woo Lee and Jun-Ho Oh


The Joint Development of Orientation and Ocular Dominance:  
Role of Constraints
	Christian Piepenbrock, Helge Ritter and Klaus Obermayer

Physiological Gain Leads to High ISI Variability in a Simple 
Model of a Cortical Regular Spiking Cell
	Todd W. Troyer and Kenneth D. Miller


Role of Temporal Integration and Fluctuation Detection in the Highly
Irregular Firing of a Leaky Integrator Neuron Model with Partial Reset
	Guido Bugmann, Chris Christodoulou and John G. Taylor

Shunting Inhibition Does Not Have a Divisive Effect on Firing Rates
	Gary R. Holt and Christof Koch

Reduction of the Hogkin-Huxley Equations to a Single-Variable Threshold Model
	Werner M. Kistler, Wulfram Gerstner and J. Leo van Hemmen

Noise Adaptation in Integrate-and-Fire Neurons
	Michael E. Rudd and Lawrence G. Brown

Paradigmatic Working Memory (Attractor) Cell in IT Cortex
	Daniel J. Amit, Stefano Fusi, and Volodya Yakovlev

Noise Injection:  Theoretical Prospects
	Yves Grandvalet, Stephane Canu and Stephane Boucheron

The Faulty Behavior of Feedforward Neural Networks with Hard-Limiting
Activation Fuction
	Zhiyu Tian, Ting-Ting Y. Lin, Shiyuan Yang and Shibai Tong

Analysis of Dynamical Recognizers
	Alan D. Blair and Jordan B. Pollack

A Bound on the Error of Cross Validation Using the Approximation 
and Estimation Rates, with Consequences for the Training-Test Split
	Michael Kearns

Averaging Regularized Estimators
	Michiaki Taniguchi and Volker Tresp




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