research position: neural nets for OCR

Dave_Touretzky@DST.BOLTZ.CS.CMU.EDU Dave_Touretzky at DST.BOLTZ.CS.CMU.EDU
Fri Jan 31 23:24:13 EST 1997

	Research Position in Asian Language OCR

The Imaging Systems Lab of the Robotics Institute at Carnegie
Mellon University is seeking candidates for a research position in
optical character recognition of Asian languages, particularly Chinese
and Korean.  The nature of the position is flexible.  The ideal
candidate would be a recent PhD in Computer Science with experience in
neural network pattern recognition techniques, looking for a 
one year postdoctoral appointment.  However, persons with at least a
BS in Computer Science or a related field and expertise in neural
networks, pattern recognition, or artificial intelligence are invited
to apply for a position as a research programmer on the project.  Strong
linear algebra and C/C++ programming skills are required.

To apply, send a curriculum vita to:
  Dr. Robert Thibadeau
  Imaging Systems Lab
  The Robotics Institute
  Carnegie Mellon University
  Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891

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