grad program, UC Davis
Bruno A. Olshausen
bruno at
Fri Jan 17 21:05:41 EST 1997
The Graduate Program in Neuroscience at the University of California,
Davis offers interdisciplinary training in areas from molecular to
cognitive neuroscience. Many research opportunities exist for
students interested in computational modeling approaches to problems
in neuroscience. The Center for Neuroscience and the Institute for
Theoretical Dynamics provide students and faculty with numerous
research facilities and an excellent environment for combining
theoretical and experimental approaches.
Relevant faculty include:
David Amaral - structure and function of hippocampus, amygdala
Ken Britten - visual cortex, neural basis of motion perception
Leo Chalupa - retina neurophysiology, development
Barbara Chapman - development and plasticity of sensory systems
Charles Gray - cortical mechanisms of pattern recognition, rhythmic activity
Andrew Ishida - retinal ganglion cells, synaptic integration
Joel Keizer - computational modeling, cell physiology, calcium dynamics
Leah Krubitzer - cortical organization, comparative anatomy
Ron Mangun - selective attention, cognitive neuroimaging
Bruno Olshausen - computational models of vision, efficient coding
Robert Rafal - neuropsychology of visual attention
Gregg Recanzone - cortical mechanisms of attention, sensory processing
Lynn Robertson - spatial vision, object recognition, hemispheric differences
Karen Sigvart - neural control of locomotion
Mitch Sutter - cortical mechanisms of auditory perception, plasticity
Martin Wilson - synaptic transmission in the retina
*** Application deadline for fall admissions is February 15, 1997. ***
Application materials may be obtained from:
Ms. Dawne Shell tel: (916) 752-9091 or 9092
Graduate Group Complex fax: (916) 752-8822
188 Briggs Hall e-mail: drshell at
University of California, Davis
Davis, California 95616-8599
Specific questions regarding the program should be directed to:
Lynn Roberston, Program Chair or David Amaral, Chair of Admissions
(916) 757-8853 (916) 757-8813
(510) 372-2000 X6891 dgamaral at
marva4!lynn at
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