UCSD/USC Joint Symposium on Neural Computation

Bartlett Mel mel at quake.usc.edu
Thu Feb 27 01:20:18 EST 1997

                          CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS

          --- 4th Annual Joint Symposium on Neural Computation ---

                              Co-sponsored by
                    Institute for Neural Computation
                   University of California, San Diego
		   Biomedical Engineering Department and
			   Neuroscience Program
                      University of Southern California
			      to be hosted at

                   The University of Southern California
		           University Park Campus
                           Saturday, May 17, 1997
                           9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

In 1994, the Institute for Neural Computation at UCSD hosted the first
Joint Symposium on Neural Computation with Caltech that brought
together students and faculty for a day of short presentations.  This
year USC will be the site for the fourth Symposium and will feature as
keynote speaker:

                         Prof. Irving Biederman
	      Departments of Psychology and Computer Science 
		      and the Neuroscience Program
		    University of Southern California
                 "Shape Representation in Mind and Brain"

Submissions will be open to members of the Computational Neuroscience
community of Southern California.  Given the larger constituency than
in previous years, authors are invited to contribute 300 word
abstracts, which will be reviewed by a program committee consisting of
the USC organizers and representatives of the INC.  The contributed
program will consist of 15 minute oral presentations, and posters.
Abstracts selected for presentation will be included in the final

           DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF ABSTRACTS: March 28, 1997

Submissions should be e-mailed or mailed to Linda Yokote using the
form below.  Notification of acceptance as oral or poster presentation
will be e-mailed to authors by April 18, 1997.

A proceedings of short papers will be published by the INC.
Contributions to the proceedings, based on both oral and poster
presentations, must be submitted no later than May 30, 1997 for timely
publication to: Institute for Neural Computation, University of
California San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive DEPT 0523, La Jolla,
California 92093-0523.  As in previous years, authors will retain
copyright to their papers, so that they may be resubmitted elsewhere.

Registration and attendance at the Symposium is open to the public.

USC Organizing Committee:

  Dr. Bartlett Mel  - Biomedical Engineering Department
                      mel at quake.usc.edu, http://quake.usc.edu/lnc.html
  Dr. Michael Arbib - Professor of Computer Science and Neurobiology
		      Director of the USC Brain Project
                      arbib at pollux.usc.edu, http:/www-hbp.usc.edu/HBP


1997 JSNC Submission Form - 

Return to:	Linda Yokote
		yokote at bmsrs.usc.edu  (e-mail submissions preferred)

  US mail:      Joint Symposium
                Biomedical Engineering Department
                USC, MC 1451
                Los Angeles, CA 90089
                (213)740-0840, (213)740-0343 fax


_____   I would like to attend the Symposium.  Registration fee of $25
        includes lunch and Proceedings.  Checks are payable to the 
	Department of Biomedical Engineering, USC.

_____   I would like to give a presentation

Title: _______________________________________________________________________


                            (300 word abstract goes here)

Speaker's Name: ______________________________________________________________

Affiliation/Department: ______________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________



Telephone: ________________________     E-mail Address:  _____________________

Others who should be listed as co-authors:      ______________________________




  	     --- DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF ABSTRACTS: March 28, 1997 ---


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