Discussion Meeting on Spatial Cognition, March 97
Dr Neil Burgess - Anatomy UCL London
ucganlb at ucl.ac.uk
Thu Feb 6 12:18:30 EST 1997
``What are the parietal and hippocampal roles in spatial cognition?''
Date: 19th and 20th March 1997
Location: The Royal Society,
6 Carlton House Terrace,
London SW1 5AG, U.K.
Organisers: Neil Burgess & John O'Keefe
Synopsis: The parietal cortex has long been identified
as the neural substrate for spatial behaviour. More
recently a spatial role for the hippocampus has been
postulated, particularly in rats. Do these areas both
perform the same computations, do they complement each
other, are they both nodes in an overall network of
spatial processing, or do they just have different
functions in different species? These questions will
be addressed with respect to neurophysiology,
neuropsychology and computational modelling.
Other Info: Royal Society discussion meetings are free to attend, but
an attendance form should be returned to the Royal Society
by the 10th March (lunch tickets cost 11.00 pounds sterling).
Enquiries and requests for forms should be made to:
Science Promotion Section, The Royal Society,
6 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1 5AG, U.K.
Tel: +44 (0)171 839 5561 x2574, Fax: +44 (0)171 451 2693
Speakers: AMARAL, David (University of California)
ANDERSEN, Richard (California Institute of Technology)
ARBIB, Michael (University of Southern California)
BERTHOZ, Alain (CNRS, Paris)
BURGESS, Neil (University College London)
GAFFAN, David (University of Oxford)
KARNATH, Hans-Otto (University of Tubingen)
MAGUIRE, Eleanor (Institute of Neurology, London)
McNAUGHTON, Bruce (University of Arizona)
MILNER, Brenda (Montreal Neurological Hospital)
MISHKIN, Mortimer (NIMH, Bethesda)
MORRIS, Richard (University of Edinburgh)
MULLER, Robert (SUNY Health Sciences Center, Brooklyn)
O'KEEFE, John (University College London)
VALLAR, Guiseppe (University of Rome)
Wednesday 19th March
Session I. Chair: John O'Keefe (University College London)
9.45 O'KEEFE, John (University College London)
10.00 AMARAL, David (University of California)
A neuroanatomical analysis of sensory inputs via temporal and
parietal regions to the rat and monkey hippocampal formation
10.40 coffee
11.10 VALLAR, Guiseppe (University of Rome)
Spatial frames of reference and somatosensory processing: a
neuropsychological perspective
11.50 KARNATH, Hans-Otto (University of Tubingen)
Spatial orientation and the representation of space with
parietal lobe lesions
12.30 lunch
Session II. Chair: Brenda Milner (Montreal Neurological Hospital)
2.00 ANDERSEN, Richard (California Institute of Technology)
Multimodal integration for stable representations of space in
the posterior parietal cortex
2.40 ARBIB, Michael (University of Southern California)
Modeling the Specialization of Parietal Subregions in
Providing Visual Affordances for Diverse Tasks
3.20 tea
3.50 BERTHOZ, Alain (CNRS, Paris)
Neural basis of spatial memory during real and imagined
locomotor trajectories
4.30 MISHKIN, Mortimer (NIMH, Bethesda)
Cortical sensory processing streams and the hippocampus
5.10 general discussion
5.20 close
Thursday 20th March
Session III. Chair: Mortimer Mishkin (NIMH, Bethesda)
10.00 MILNER, Brenda (Montreal Neurological Hospital)
Medial temporal lobe contributions to object location memory
10.40 coffee
11.10 MAGUIRE, Eleanor (Institute of Neurology, London)
Hippocampal involvement in human topographical memory
11.50 GAFFAN, David (University of Oxford)
Episodic memory, neglect and hemiamnesia
12.30 lunch
Session IV. Chair: Lynn Nadel (University of Arizona)
2.00 MORRIS, Richard (University of Edinburgh)
Hippocampal plasticity : synaptic changes underlying the
automatic recording of attended experience
2.40 MULLER, Robert (SUNY Health Sciences Center, Brooklyn)
A Topological approach to cognitive mapping
3.20 tea
3.50 McNAUGHTON, Bruce (University of Arizona)
Memory reprocessing in cortico-cortico and hippocampo-cortical
neuronal ensembles
4.30 BURGESS, Neil (University College London)
Robotic and neuronal simulation of the hippocampus and
rat navigation
5.10 general discussion
5.20 round-up
5.30 Close
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