book announcement: Applied Neural Networks for Signal Processing

Fa-Long Luo luo at
Fri Dec 12 09:45:43 EST 1997

                                 New Book
               Applied Neural Networks for Signal Processing
                 Authors:  Fa-Long Luo and Rolf Unbehauen
                  Publisher:  Cambridge University Press
                         ISBN: 0 521 56391 7

  The use of neural networks in signal processing is becoming increasingly
widespread, with applications in areas such as filtering, parameter 
estimation, signal detection, pattern recognition, signal reconstruction,
system identification,  signal compression, and signal transmission. The  
signals concerned include audio, video, speech, image, communication, 
geophysical, sonar, radar, medical, musical and others. The key features
of neural networks involved in signal processing are their asynchronous 
parallel and distributed processing, nonlinear dynamics, global interconnection
of network elements, self-organization and high-speed computational capability.
With these features, neural networks can provide very powerful means for 
solving many problems encountered in signal processing, especially, in 
nonlinear signal processing, real-time signal processing,  adaptive signal 
processing and blind signal processing. 

  From an engineering point of view, this book aims to provide a detailed 
treatment  of  neural networks for  signal processing by covering  basic 
principles, modelling, algorithms, architectures, implementation procedures 
and well-designed simulation examples. This book is organized into nine 

   Chap. 1: Fundamental Models of Neural Networks for Signal Processing,
   Chap. 2:  Neural Networks for Filtering,
   Chap. 3:  Neural Networks for Spectral Estimation, 
   Chap. 4:  Neural Networks for Signal Detection,
   Chap. 5:  Neural Networks for Signal Reconstruction,
   Chap. 6:  Neural Networks for Principal Components and Minor Components,
   Chap. 7:  Neural Networks for Array Signal Processing,
   Chap. 8:  Neural Networks for System Identification,
   Chap. 9:  Neural Networks for Signal Compression.

  This book will be an invaluable reference for scientists and engineers 
working in communications, control or any other field related to signal 
processing. It can also be used as a textbook for graduate courses in 
electrical engineering and computer science.


Dr. Fa-Long Luo                     or      Dr. Philip Meyler
Lehrstuhl fuer Allgemeine und               Cambridge University Press
Theoretische Elektrotechnik                 40 West 20th Street          
Cauerstr. 7, 91058 Erlangen                 New York, NY 10011-4211 
Germany                                     USA
Tel: +49 9131 857794                        Tel: +1 212 924 3900 ext. 472
Fax: +49 9131 13435                         Fax: +1 212 691 3239
Email: luo at   E-mail: pmeyler at

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