ICANN_97 Oct.7-10: call for participation
Wulfram Gerstner
wulfram.gerstner at di.epfl.ch
Tue Aug 19 02:42:00 EDT 1997
Call for Participation: ICANN'97 in Lausanne (Switzerland).
--------- ICANN'97 -------
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks
October 7-10 - Lausanne, Switzerland
Tutorials on Tuesday, October 7
Plenary and parallel sessions, October 8-10
-- The 1997 Latsis Conference --
More details on the conference including the full program
and registration forms can be found in
Email icann97 at epfl.ch
Fax +41 21 693-5656
Conference structure
ICANN'97 is the 7th Annual Conference of the European Neural Network
Society ENNS. The program includes plenary talks and 4 tracks of parallel
sessions covering the domains of Theory, Biological Models,
Applications, and Implementations. All posters are complemented
by short oral poster spotlight presentation. The conference
starts with a Tutorial day on October 7.
Y. Abu-Mostafa (USA), P. Refenes (GB) Finance Applications
X. Arreguit (CH) VLSI Implementations of Vision Systems
J.L. van Hemmen (D), A. Kreiter (D) Cortical Oscillations
M. Opper (D) Statistical Theories of Learning
Invited plenary talks
H. Bourlard, Martigny, CH, Speech recognition
S. Grossberg, Boston, USA, Visual Perception
H. Markram, Rehovot, Israel, Fast Synaptic Changes
E. Oja, Espoo, Finland, Independent Comp. Analysis
H. Ritter, Bielefeld, D, Self-Org. Maps for Robotics
T. Roska, Budapest, HU, Cellular Neural Networks
R. Sutton, Amherst, USA, Markov Decision Processes
V. Vapnik, Holmdel, USA, Support Vector Machines
E. Vittoz, Neuchatel, CH, Bioinspired Circuits
Special Invited Sessions
Cortical Maps and Receptive Fields,
Temporal Patterns and Brain Dynamics,
Time Series Prediction,
Adaptive Autonomous Agents
Regular Sessions
Learning, Signal Processing, Self Organization, Recurrent Networks
Perceptrons, Kernel-based Networks
Coding, Synaptic Learning, Neural Maps, Vision
Forecasting, Monitoring, Pattern Recognition,
Robotics, Identification and Control
Analog VLSI, Digital Implementations
The registration fee includes admission to all sessions, one copy of the
proceedings, coffee breaks and 3 lunches, welcome drinks and banquet.
before August 30 -- after
Regular registration fee 580 CHF -- 640 CHF
Student (with lunch, no banquet, no proceedings) 270 CHF -- 330 CHF
Tutorial day (October 7) 30 CHF -- 50 CHF
Ask for a copy of the forms or look on the Web
Proceedings are published by Springer,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series
Conference location and accomodation
The conference will be held at the EPFL
(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) in Lausanne.
Lausanne is beautifully located on the shores of the
lake of Geneva, and can easily by accessed by train and planes.
Hotels are in the 50 to 150 CHF range. Reservation is not handled
by the conference organizers. Ask Fassbind Hotels, fax +41 21 323 0145
General Chairman: Wulfram Gerstner, Mantra-EPFL
Co-chairmen: Alain Germond, Martin Hasler, J.D. Nicoud, EPFL
Registration secretariat: Andree Moinat, LRC-EPFL, tel +41 21 693-2661
FAX: +41 21 693 5656
For the full program and other informations have a look at
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