NIPS'96 Postconference Workshop
Marco Maggini
maggini at
Mon Sep 2 03:23:09 EDT 1996
NIPS'96 Postconference Workshop
ANNs and Continuous Optimization:
Local Minima, Sub-optimal Solutions, and Computational Complexity
Snowmass (Aspen), Colorado USA
Fri Dec 6th, 1996
M. Gori M. Protasi
Universita' di Siena Universita' Tor Vergata (Roma)
Universita' di Firenze protasi at
marco at
Most ANNs used for either learning or problem solving (e.g. Backprop
nets and analog Hopfield nets) rely on continuous optimization. The
elegance and generality of this approach, however, seems also to
represent the main source of troubles that typically arise when
approaching complex problems. Most of the times this gives rise to a
sort of suspiciousness concerning the actual chance to discover an
optimal solution under reasonable computational constraints.
The computational complexity of the problem at hand seems to appear
in terms of local minima and numerical problems of the chosen
optimization algorithm.
While most practitioners use to accept without reluctance the flavor
of suspiciousness and use to be proud of their eventual experimental
achievements, most theoreticians are instead quite skeptical.
Obviously, the success of ANNs for either learning and problem solving
is often related to the problem at hand and, therefore, one can expect
an excellent behavior for a class of problems, while can raise serious
suspects about the solution of others. To the best of our knowledge,
however, so far, this intuitive idea has no satisfactory theoretical
explanation. Basically, there is neither theory to support naturally
the intuitive concept of suspiciousness, nor theory to relate this
concept to computational complexity.
The study of the complexity of algorithms has been essentially
performed on discrete structures and an impressive theory has been
developed in the last two decades. On the other hand optimization
theory has a twofold face: discrete optimization and continuous
optimization. Actually there are some important approaches of the
computational complexity theory that were proposed for the continuous
cases, for instance, the information based-complexity (Traub) and real
Turing Machines (Blum-Shub-Smale). These approaches can be fruitfully
applied to problems arising in continuous optimization but, generally
speaking, the formal study of the efficiency of algorithms and
problems has received much more attention in the discrete environment,
where the theory can be easily used and error and precision problems
are not present.
Taking into account this framework, a fascinating area, that we
believe deserves a careful study, concerns the relationship between
the emergence of sub-optimal solutions in continuous optimization and
the corresponding computational complexity of the problem at hand.
More specifically,there are a number of very intriguing open questions:
- Is there a relationship between the complexity of algorithms in
the continuous and discrete settings for solving the same problem?
- Can we deduce bounds on the complexity of discrete algorithms from
the study of the properties of continuous ones and vice-versa?
- Some loading problems are intuitively easily solvable, while others
are considered hard. Are there links between the presence of local
minima and the computational complexity of the problem at hand?
- What is the impact of approximate solutions on the complexity?
(e.g. learning is inherently an approximate process whose complexity
is often studied in the framework of theories like PAC)
The aim of the workshop is not to reach some definite points, but to
stimulate a starting discussion, and to put on the table some of the
most important themes that we hope could be extensively explored in the
We also expect that the study of the interplay between continuous and
discrete versions of a problem can be very fruitful for both the
approaches. Since, until now, this interplay has been rarely explored,
the workshop is likely to stimulate different point of view; people
working on discrete optimization are in fact likely not to be expert on
the continuous side and vice-versa.
If you would like to contribute, please send an abstract or extended
summary to:
Marco Gori
Facolta' di Ingegneria
Universita' di Siena
Via Roma, 56
53100 Siena (Italy)
Fax: +39 577 26.36.02
Electronic submission:
Send manuscripts in postscript format at
marco at
Important Dates:
Submission of abstract deadline: 30 September, 1996
Notification of acceptance: 21 October, 1996
Final paper to be sent by: 4 November, 1996
For the format of papers, the usual NIPS style file should be used with
up to 16 pages allowed. Workshop notes will be produced.
NIPS style files are available at
Please contact the workshop organizers for further information, or consult
the NIPS WWW home page:
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