CFP: JBCS on Neural Networks
gcv at
Mon Oct 21 08:51:41 EDT 1996
Journal of The Brazilian Computer Society (JBCS)
Special Issue on NEURAL NETWORKS
(Tentative Publication Date, July, 1997)
Guest Editors:
Edson de Barros Carvalho Filho, DI-UFPE and
Germano Vasconcelos, DI-UFPE
The Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (JBCS) is an international
quarterly publication of the Sociedade Brasileira de Computao (SBC) which
serves as a forum for disseminating innovative research in all aspects of
Computer Science. The approach of Neural Networks has been widely used in a
large variety of problems in Computer Science and in other scientific
disciplines making this subject one of the most currently attractive field
of investigation. In its 11th edition, celebrating the realisation of the
third Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks, sponsored by SBC, the JBCS is
planning a Special Issue on Neural Networks and welcomes worldwide
submissions describing original ideas and new results in this topic. Papers
may be practical or theoretical in nature. Suggested topics include but are
not limited to:
* Theoretical Models
* Algorithms and Architectures
* Biological Perspectives
* Cognitive Science
* Hybrid Systems
* Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems
* Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
* Pattern Recognition
* Control and Robotics
* Optimization
* Hardware Implementation
* Environments & Tools
* Prediction
* Vision and Image Processing
* Speech and Language Processing
* Other Applications
The purpose of this special edition is to allow fast publication of relevant
and original research within six months after paper submission.
Contributions will be considered for publication in JBCS if they have not
been previously published and are not under consideration for publication
elsewhere. Acceptance of papers for publication is subject to a peer review
procedure and is conditional to revisions being made given comments from
referees. Format details for final submission procedure will be provided for
accepted papers. Authors must submit the final version in electronic format,
and should provide hard-copy versions for refereeing.
Submitted papers are to be written in English and typed double-spaced on one
side of white A4 sized paper. Each paper should contain no more than 20
pages, including all text, figures and references. The final manuscript
should be approximately 8000 words in length. Submissions will be judged on
significance, originality, quality and clarity. Reviewing will be blind to
the identities of the authors, so the authors should take care not to
identify themselves in the paper:
* The submitted manuscript should contain only the paper title and a short
abstract. Authors names, affiliations, and the complete mailing address
(both postal and email) of the person to whom correspondence should be sent,
should be included in an accompanying letter.
* No acknowledgment should be included in the version for refereeing (it can
be included in the final version of the paper).
* There should be no reference to unpublished work by the authors (thesis,
working papers). These references can be included in the final version of
the paper.
* When referring to one's own work, use the third person. For example, say
"previously, [Peter1993] has shown that ...", instead of "the author
[Peter1993] has shown that ..."
All contributions will be acknowledged and refereed.
Please submit 4 copies of the paper to the Special Issue Editor
Germano Crispim Vasconcelos
Departamento de Informatica
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Caixa Postal 7851
50732-970, Recife - PE
email: gcv at
fax: +55 81 2718438
Submission Deadline January 20, 1997
Notification of Acceptance March 20, 1997
Final Electronic Version April 20, 1997
Tentative Publication Date July, 1997
For additional information on the Journal, and on how to prepare the
manuscript to minimize final version delays, contact the editors or consult
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