research assistantship for Spring, 97
Chuck Anderson
anderson at CS.ColoState.EDU
Mon Oct 14 14:36:41 EDT 1996
The Department of Computer Science at Colorado State University, Fort
Collins, CO, is looking for a Masters or Ph.D. student to fill a
vacant research assistantship position funded by this NSF project:
National Science Foundation, MIP-9628770, 8/96--7/99,
PIs: T. Chen, Electrical Engineering, and A. von Mayrhauser and C. Anderson,
Computer Science, "Behavioral Level Design Verifications Using Software
Testing Techniques and Neural Networks"
We plan to use network inversion and methods from optimal experiment
design to guide the search for test inputs for complex software
systems and hardware models coded in VHDL. We would like a student
with a strong background in neural networks, experience with compiler
design, and an interest in software and hardware testing.
You can learn more about our department at
and about the PIs' research projects at
To qualify for this position, you must be accepted into the Computer
Science graduate program at CSU. You may obtain application material
by sending a request via e-mail to gradinfo at You may
also send your resume or questions via e-mail to
anderson at
Chuck Anderson anderson at
Department of Computer Science
Colorado State University office: 970-491-7491
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1873 FAX: 970-491-2466
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