Akira Maruoka maruoka at
Mon Nov 18 12:25:19 EST 1996

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                                                   Akira Maruoka

                      CALL FOR PAPERS---ALT 97 

                 The Eighth International Workshop on 
                     Algorithmic Learning Theory

                          Sendai, Japan
                        October 6-8, 1997

The 8th International Workshop on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT'97)
will be held in Sendai, Japan during October 6-8, 1997. The workshop 
is sponsored by the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI) 
and Tohoku University.

We invite submissions to ALT'97 in all areas related to algorithmic 
learning theory including (but not limited to):

 the design and analysis of learning algorithms, the theory of machine 
 learning, computational logic of/for machine discovery, inductive 
 inference, learning via queries, artificial and  biological  neural 
 networks, pattern recognition, learning by analogy, Bayesian/MDL/MML 
 estimation, statistical learning, inductive logic programming, 
 application of learning to databases and biological sequence analysis. 

In addition to above theoretical topics, we invite submissions to two 
special tracks on data mining and case-based learning, aimed at promoting
applications of theoretical ideas. 

INVITED TALKS. Invited talks will be given by Manuel Blum (UC Berkeley 
and City Univ. Hong Kong), Wolfgang Maass (Tech. Univ. Graz), Lenny Pitt 
(Univ. Illinois), and Masahiko Sato (Kyoto Univ.).

SUBMISSIONS. Authors may either e-mail postscript files of their 
abstracts to mli at, or submit nine copies of their 
extended abstracts to:

        Professor Ming Li - ALT'97
        Department of Computer Science
        City University of Hong Kong
        Tat Chee Avenue
        Kowloon, Hong Kong

Abstracts must be received by April 1, 1997. 

Notification of acceptance or rejection will be (e)mailed to the 
first (or designated) author by May 19, 1997.

Camera-ready copy of accepted papers will be due June 16, 1997.

FORMAT. The submitted abstract should consist of a cover page with
title, author names, postal and e-mail addresses, an approximately 
200 word summary, and a body not longer than ten (10) pages of size 
A4 or 7x10.5 inches in twelve-point font. You may use appendices to 
include long but major proofs. If you submit hardcopies, double-sided 
printing is encouraged.

POLICY. Each submitted abstract will be reviewed by the members of
the program committee, and be judged on clarity, significance, and
originality. Joint submissions to other conferences with published 
proceedings are not allowed. Papers that have appeared in journals 
or other conferences are not appropriate for ALT'97. 

Proceedings will be published as a volume in the Lecture Notes in 
Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, and will be available at 
the conference. Selected papers of ALT'97 will be invited to a 
special issue of the journal Theoretical Computer Science. One 
scholarship of $500US sponsored by IFIP TC 1.4 will be awarded to 
a student author (please mark student authors) in order to attend 

Conference chair:
 Professor Akira Maruoka
 Tohoku University
 Sendai, Japan 980
 maruoka at

Program committee chair:
 Ming Li (City Univ. HK and Univ. Waterloo)

Program Committee: 
 Naoki Abe (NEC, Japan)
 Nader Bshouty (Univ. Calgary, Canada)
 Nicolo Cesa-Bianchi (Milano Univ., Italy)
 Makoto Haraguchi (Hokkaido Univ., Japan)
 Hiroki Ishizaka (Kyushu Tech., Japan)
 Klaus P. Jantke (HTWK Leipzig, Germany)
 Philip Long (Nat. Univ. Singapore, Singapore)
 Shinichi Morishita (IBM Japan, Japan)
 Hiroshi Motoda (Osaka Univ., Japan)
 Yasubumi Sakakibara (Tokyo Denki Univ., Japan)
 Arun Sharma (New South Wales, Australia)
 Ayumi Shinohara (Kyushu Univ., Japan)
 Carl Smith (Univ. Maryland, USA)
 Frank Stephan (RKU, Germany)
 Naftali Tishby (Hebrew Univ., Israel)
 Paul Vitanyi (CWI, Netherlands)
 Les Valiant (Harvard, USA)
 Osamu Watanabe (Titech., Japan)
 Takashi Yokomori (UEC, Japan)
 Bin Yu (UC Berkeley, USA)

Local arrangements chair:
 Professor Hirotomo Aso
 Graduate School of Engineering
 Tohoku University
 Sendai, Japan 980
 alt97 at

For more information, contact: 
Email: alt97 at

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