Graduate Research Asst.
Dr. Ranu Jung
jung at
Fri May 24 11:58:51 EDT 1996
A graduate research assistantship is available for up to 3 years to
conduct research in the "Neural Control of Locomotion" at the Center
for Biomedical Engineering, University of Kentucky. Students have
to be accepted into the Ph.D./MS program starting Fall 1996
(August). The assistantship is available to citizens of all
The research is to examine the dynamical interaction between the
brain and the spinal cord in the control of locomotion, in
particular, swimming in a lower vertebrate. Traditional
neurophysiological experimental techniques will be complimented by
techniques from non-linear signal processing and control. In conjunction, the
behavior of connectionist/biophysical neural network models will be
examined and analyzed using tools from dynamical systems theory.
If interested, send CV, and names of two references, preferably by
email or Fax to:
Ranu Jung, Ph.D.
Center for Biomedical Engineering
21 Wenner-Gren Research Lab.
University of Kentucky, Lexington 40506-0070
Tel. 606-257-5931
email:jung at
Fax: 606-257-1856
The University of Kentucky is located in the rolling hills of the
Bluegrass Country and has a diverse campus. The Center for
Biomedical Engineering is a multidisciplinary center in the Graduate
School. We have strong ties to the Medical Center and the School of
Details about the University of Kentucky and the Center for
Biomedical Engineering can be obtained on the web at;
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