Knut Moeller
moeller at informatik.uni-bonn.de
Wed May 15 08:13:54 EDT 1996
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= = = H e K o N N 9 6 = = =
Autumn School in
C o n n e c t i o n i s m and N e u r a l N e t w o r k s
October 2-6, 1996
Muenster, Germany
Conference Language: German
A comprehensive description of the Autumn School together with
abstracts of the courses can be found at the following
WWW: http://set.gmd.de/AS/fg1.1.2/hekonn
= = = O V E R V I E W = = =
Artificial neural networks (ANN's) have been discussed in many
diverse areas, ranging from models of cortical learning to the
control of industrial processes. The goal of the Autumn School
in Connectionionism and Neural Networks is to give a comprehensive
introduction to connectionism and artificial neural networks (ANN's) and
to provide an overview of the current state of the art.
Courses will be offered in five thematic tracks. (The
conference language is German.)
The FOUNDATION track will introduce basic concepts (A. Zell,
Univ. Stuttgart) and theoretical issues. Hardwareaspects
(U. Rueckert, Univ. Paderborn), Lifelong Learning (G. Paass,
GMD St.Augustin), algorithmic complexity of learning procedures
(M. Schmitt, TU Graz) and convergence properties of ANN's
(K. Hornik, TU Vienna) are presented in further lectures.
This year, a special track was devoted to BRAIN RESEARCH.
Courses are offered about the simulation of biological neurons
(R. Rojas, Univ. Halle), theoretical neurobiology (H. Gluender,
LMU Munich), learning and memory (A. Bibbig, Univ. Ulm) and dynamical
aspects of cortical information processing (H. Dinse, Univ. Bochum).
consists of courses on: procedures for extracting rules from
ANN's (J. Diederich, QUT Brisbane). representation and cognitive models
(G. Peschl, Univ. Vienna), autonomous agents and ANN's (R. Pfeiffer,
ETH Zuerich) and hybrid systems (A. Ultsch, Univ. Marburg).
APPLICATIONS of ANN's are covered by courses on
image processing (H.Bischof, TU Vienna), evolution strategies and ANN's
(J. Born, FU Berlin), ANN's and fuzzy logic (R. Kruse, Univ. Braunschweig),
and on medical applications (T. Waschulzik, Univ. Bremen).
In addition, there will be courses on PROGRAMMING and
SIMULATORS. Participants will have the opportunity to work
with the SNNS simulator (G. Mamier, A. Zell, Univ. Stuttgart) and
the Vienet2/ECANSE simulation tool (G. Linhart, TU Vienna).
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