Neural Computation 8:3 Titles

Terry Sejnowski terry at
Fri Mar 15 18:47:24 EST 1996

Neural Computation -  Volume 8, Number 3 - April 1, 1996

Long Article:

A Smoothing Regularizer for Feedforward and Recurrent Neural Networks
        Lizhong Wu and John Moody


Note on the Maxnet Dynamics
        John P. F. Sum and Peter K. S. Tam

Optimizing Synaptic Conductance Calculation for
Network Simulations
        William W. Lytton


Parameter Extraction from Population Codes:  A Critical Assessment
        Herman P. Snippe

Energy Efficient Neural Codes
        William B. Levy and Robert A. Baxter

A Nonlinear Hebbian Network that Learns to Detect Disparity in
Random-Dot Stereograms
        Christopher W. Lee and Bruno A. Olshausen

Coupling the Neural and Physical Dynamics in Rhythmic Movements
        Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos

Predictive Minimum Description Length Criterion for Time Series Modeling
with Neural Networks
        Mikko Lehtokangas, Jukka Saarinen, Pentti Huuhtanen
        and Kimmo Kaski

Minimum Description Length, Regularization and Multi-Model Data
        Richard Rohwer and John C. van der Rest

VC Dimension of an Integrate-and-Fire Neuron Model
        Anthony M. Zador and Barak A. Pearlmutter

The VC-Dimension and Pseudodimension of Two-Layer Neural Networks
with Discrete Inputs
        Peter L. Bartlett and Robert C. Williamson

A Theoretical and Experimental Account of N-Tuple Classifier Performance
        Richard Rohwer and Michal Morciniec

The Effects of Adding Noise During Backpropagation Training on a
Generalization Performance
        Guozhong An




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