book on language learning: connectionist statistical symbolic approaches
Stefan Wermter
wermter at
Wed Mar 13 10:42:21 EST 1996
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Connectionist, statistical, and symbolic approaches
to learning for natural language processing
Stefan Wermter
Ellen Riloff
Gabriele Scheler
March 1996 (first week in Europe
[order information and WWW reference for the book (access to first chapter)
at the end of this message]
Brief description
The purpose of this book is to present a collection of papers that
represents a broad spectrum of current research in learning methods
for natural language processing, and to advance the state of the art
in language learning and artificial intelligence. The book should bridge
a gap between several areas that are usually discussed separately,
including connectionist, statistical, and symbolic methods.
Table of contents
Learning approaches for natural language processing
S. Wermter, E. Riloff, G. Scheler
Part 1: Connectionist Networks and Hybrid Approaches
Separating learning and representation
N.E. Sharkey, A.J.C. Sharkey
Natural language grammatical inference: a comparison of recurrent
neural networks and machine learning methods
S. Lawrence, S. Fong, C. L. Giles
Extracting rules for grammar recognition from Cascade-2 networks
R. Hayward, A. Tickle, J. Diederich
Generating English plural determiners from semantic representations:
a neural network learning approach
G. Scheler
Knowledge acquisition in concept and document spaces by using
self-organizing neural networks
W. Winiwarter, E. Schweighofer, D. Merkl
Using hybrid connectionist learning for speech/language analysis
V. Weber, S. Wermter
SKOPE: A connectionist/symbolic architecture of spoken Korean
G. Lee, J.-H. Lee
Integrating different learning approaches into a multilingual spoken
language translation system
P. Geutner, B. Suhm, F.-D. Buo, T. Kemp, L. Mayfield, A. E. McNair,
I. Rogina, T. Schultz, T. Sloboda, W. Ward, M. Woszczyna, A. Waibel
Learning language using genetic algorithms
T. C. Smith, I. H. Witten
Part 2: Statistical Approaches
A statistical syntactic disambiguation program and what it learns
M. Ersan, E. Charniak
Training stochastic grammars on semantical categories
W.R. Hogenhout, Y. Matsumoto
Learning restricted probabilistic link grammars
E. W. Fong, D. Wu
Learning PP attachment from corpus statistics
A. Franz
A minimum description length approach to grammar inference
P. Gruenwald
Automatic classification of dialog acts with semantic classification
trees and polygrams
M. Mast, H. Niemann, E. Noeth, E. G. Schukat-Talamazzini
Sample selection in natural language learning
S. P. Engelson, I. Dagan
Part 3: Symbolic Approaches
Learning information extraction patterns from examples
S. B. Huffman
Implications of an automatic lexical acquisition system
P. M. Hastings
Using learned extraction patterns for text classification
E. Riloff
Issues in inductive learning of domain-specific text extraction
S. Soderland, D. Fisher, J. Aseltine, W. Lehnert
Applying machine learning to anaphora resolution
C. Aone, S. W. Bennett
Embedded machine learning systems for natural language processing:
a general framework
C. Cardie
Acquiring and updating hierarchical knowledge for machine translation
based on a clustering technique
T. Yamazaki, M. J. Pazzani, C. Merz
Applying an existing machine learning algorithm to text
I. Moulinier, J.-G. Ganascia
Comparative results on using inductive logic programming for
corpus-based parser construction
J. M. Zelle, R. J. Mooney
Learning the past tense of English verbs using inductive logic
R. J. Mooney, M. E. Califf
A dynamic approach to paradigm-driven analogy
S. Federici, V. Pirrelli, F. Yvon
Can punctuation help learning?
M. Osborne
Using parsed corpora for circumventing parsing
A. K. Joshi, B. Srinivas
A symbolic and surgical acquisition of terms through variation
C. Jacquemin
A revision learner to acquire verb selection rules from human-made
rules and examples
S. Kaneda, H. Almuallim, Y. Akiba, M. Ishii, T. Kawaoka
Learning from texts - a terminological metareasoning perspective
U. Hahn, M. Klenner, K. Schnattinger
Bibliographic Data and Ordering Information:
Editors: Stefan Wermter, Univ. of Hamburg, Germany
Ellen Riloff, Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA
Gabriele Scheler, Munich Univ. of Tech. Germany
Title: Connectionist, Statistical, and Symbolic Approaches
to Learning for Natural Language Processing
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
ISBN: 3-540-60925-3
Pages: 468 + 9
Available: Europe: March 6, 1996
North America: around March 25, 1996
Subseries: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
LNAI 1040
Cover: Softcover under Color Jacket Cover
List Price: DM 86.00, approx. USD 68.00
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*Dr Stefan Wermter University of Hamburg *
* Dept. of Computer Science *
* Vogt-Koelln-Strasse 30 *
*email: wermter at D-22527 Hamburg *
*phone: +49 40 54715-531 Germany *
*fax: +49 40 54715-515 *
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