JAIR article, Mean Field Theory for ...
minton at ISI.EDU
Wed Mar 6 21:16:20 EST 1996
Readers of this group may be interested in the following article,
which was just published by JAIR:
Saul, L.K., Jaakkola, T. and Jordan, M.I. (1996)
"Mean Field Theory for Sigmoid Belief Networks",
Volume 4, pages 61-76.
Available in Postscript (302K) and compressed Postscript (123K).
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Abstract: We develop a mean field theory for sigmoid belief networks
based on ideas from statistical mechanics. Our mean field theory
provides a tractable approximation to the true probability
distribution in these networks; it also yields a lower bound on the
likelihood of evidence. We demonstrate the utility of this framework
on a benchmark problem in statistical pattern recognition---the
classification of handwritten digits.
The article is available via:
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