Journal Impact Factors

Terry Sejnowski terry at
Sun Mar 3 18:09:31 EST 1996

According to the latest Journal Citation Reports ratings,
neural network journals took 3 out of the top 4 spots for
impact factor (citations per article) for the area

1.  Neural Computation          3.139
2.  IEEE Trans. Pattern. Analy  2.006
3.  IEEE Trans. Neural Net.     1.941
4.  Neural Networks             1.939
5.  Artificial Intelligence     1.915
6.  Chemometr Intell Lab	1.752
7.  Machine Learning		1.721
8.  Network			1.196
9.  Int J. Comput. Vision	1.153
10. Cogn. Brain Res.		0.880
11. AI Magazine			0.736
12. Pattern Recognition		0.691
13. Artif. Intell. Medicine	0.672
14. IEEE Expert			0.629
15. Image Vision Comput.	0.602
16. Intern. J. Intell. Systems	0.512
17. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data En	0.461
18. Artif Intell. Review	0.457
19. Intern. J. Softw. Eng. Know 0.420
20. Pattern Recognition Lett.	0.381



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