paper: dynamics of learning in twolayered networks
Michael Biehl
biehl at Physik.Uni-Wuerzburg.DE
Fri Mar 1 06:36:58 EST 1996
FTP-filename: /pub/preprint/
The following paper is now available via anonymous ftp:
(See below for the retrieval procedure)
"Transient dynamics of on-line learning in two-layered neural networks"
Michael Biehl, Peter Riegler, and Christian W"ohler
Ref. WUE-ITP-96-003
The dynamics of on-line learning in neural networks with continous units
is dominated by plateaus in the time dependence of the generalization error.
Using tools from statistical mechanics, we show for a soft committee machine
the existence of several fixed points of the dynamics of learning that give
rise to complicated behavior, such as cascade--like runs through different
plateaus with a decreasing value of the corresponding generalization error.
We find learning-rate dependent phenomena, such as splitting and disappearing
of fixed points of the equations of motion. The dependence of plateau lengths
on the initial conditions is described analytically, and simulations confirm
the results.
Retrieval procedure:
unix> ftp
Name: anonymous Password: {your e-mail address}
ftp> cd pub/preprint
ftp> get (*)
ftp> quit
unix> gunzip
e.g. unix> lp [15 pages]
(*) can be replaced by "get". The file will then
be uncompressed before transmission (slow!).
Michael Biehl
Institut fuer Theoretische Physik
Julius-Maximilians-Universitaet Wuerzburg
Am Hubland
D-97074 Wuerzburg
email: biehl at
Tel.: (+49) (0)931 888 5865
" " " 5131
Fax : (+49) (0)931 888 5141
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