Two papers available

Radu Dogaru radu_d at
Sun Jun 2 03:10:59 EDT 1996

The following papers are available via anonymous FTP from
the "neuroprose" archive:

FTP-file: pub/neuroprose/
FTP-file: pub/neuroprose/


File name:

Title: Chaotic resonance theory, a new approach for pattern storage and
retrieval in neural networks"

Authors: Radu Dogaru, A.T. Murgan

Abstract: A method for designing recurrent neural networks capable to 
oscilate chaotically and to synchronize was developed. A new neural model 
is proposed based on replacing locally tuned units (like RBF neurons) with 
small chaotic resonators. The overall behavior is simillar with the one 
obtained in an ART clustering networks while there is only one connection 
between layers of neurons, all inter-layer information being coded as 
one-dimensional chaotic signals. 

Pages: 5
Reference: Proceedings ICNN'95 (Perth-Australia, December '95), 
Vol. 6, pp. 3048-3052

File name:

Title: Searching for robust chaos in discrete-time neural networks using weight
space exploration"

Authors: Radu Doagaru, A.T. Murgan, Stefan Ortamnn, Manfred Glesner

Abstract: A new method for analysis and design of reccurent neural networks 
is described. The method is based on weight space exploration and dislplays for 
large populations of neural networks particular maps related with entropic
and sensitivity descriptors of the dynamic behaviors. A sensitivity 
descriptor was introduced in order to easily get information about chaotic 
dynamics in large populations of recurrent neural networks. 
Robust chaos is such a behavior characterized by getting the same class of 
chaotic signals when particular weights of the networks are allowed to vary 
within a compact domain. 

Pages: 6
Reference: Accepted to be published in Proceedings ICNN'96 
(Washington D.C.,3-6 June 1996)



For any comment or additional information please contact:  
Dr. Radu Dogaru
"Politehnica" University of Bucharest, Romania
E-mail: radu_d at
or      radu_d at

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