CFP: ISMIP'96 (New Submission Deadline)
Hu, Yu Hen
hu at
Sun Jul 21 06:47:34 EDT 1996
CALL FOR PAPERS (Extension of Submission Deadline)
1996 International Symposium on Multi-Technology Information Processing
A Joint Symposium of
Artificial Neural Networks, Circuits and Systems, and Signal Processing
December 16-18, 1996 Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, Republic of China
Call For Papers
The International Symposium on Multi-Technology Information Processing
(ISMIP'96), a joint symposium of artificial neural networks, circuits and
systems, and signal processing, will be held in National Tsing Hua
University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan, Republic of China. This conference is
an expansion of previous series of International Symposium of Artificial
Neural Networks (ISANN). The main purpose of this conference is to offer
a forum showcasing the latest advancement of modern information processing
technologies. It will include recent innovative research results of
theories, algorithms, architectures, systems, hardware implementations
that lead to intelligent information processing. The technical program
will feature opening keynote addresses, invited plenary talks, technical
presentations of refereed papers. The official language is English.
Papers are solicited for, but not limited to, the following topics:
1. Associative Memory 2. Digital and Analog Neurocomputers
3. Fuzzy Neural Systems 4. Supervised/Un-supervised Learning
5. Robotics 6. Sensory/Motor Control
7. Image Processing 8. Pattern Recognition
9. Language/ Speech Processing 10. Digital Signal Processing
11. VLSI Architectures 12. Non-linear Circuits
13. Multi-media information processing 14. Optimization
15. Mathematical Methods 16. Visual signal processing
17. Content based signal processing 18. Applications
Prospective authors are invited to submit 4 copies of extended summaries of
no more than 4 pages. All the manuscripts must be written in English in
single-spaced, single column, on 8.5" by 11" white papers. The top of the
first page of the paper should include a title, authors' names, affiliations,
address, telephone/fax numbers, and email address if applicable. The
indicated corresponding author will receive an acknowledgement of his/her
submission. Camera-ready full papers of accepted manuscripts will be published
in a hard-bound proceedings and distributed in the symposium. For more
information, please consult at the URL site
Authors are invited to send submissions to one of the program co-chairs:
For submissions from USA and Europe
Dr. C.-H. Lee
Multimedia Communications Research Lab
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies
600 Mountain Ave. 2D-425
Murray Hill, NJ 07974-0636 USA
Phone: 908-582-5226
fax: 908-582-7308
chl at
For submissions from Asia and the rest of the world
Prof. V. W. Soo
Dept. of Computer Science
National Tsing Hua University
Hsin Chu, Taiwan 30043, ROC
Phone: 886-35-731068
FAX: 886-35-723694
soo at
Submission of full paper: August 5, 1996.
Notification of acceptance: September 30, 1996.
Submission of camera-ready paper: October 31, 1996.
Advanced registration, before: November 15, 1996.
Sponsored by
National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Ministry of Education, Taiwan R.O.C.
National Science Council, Taiwan R.O.C.
in Cooperation with
IEEE Signal Processing Society, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
IEEE Neural Networks Council, IEEE Taiwan Section
Taiwanese Association for Artificial Intelligence
General Co-chairs: H. C. Wang, NTHU
Y. H. Hu, U. of Wisconsin
Advisory board Co-chairs:
W. T. Chen, NTHU
S. Y. Kung, Princeton U.
Vice Co-chairs:
H. C. Hu, NCTU
J.N. Hwang, U. of Washington
Program Co-chairs: V. W. Soo, NTHU
Chin-Hui Lee AT&T
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