CFP: TAINN'96, Conf on AI & NN (Istanbul/Turkey)
Ethem Alpaydin
alpaydin at
Sun Jan 21 07:19:28 EST 1996
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Call for Papers
TAINN'96, Istanbul
5th Turkish Symposium on
Artificial Intelligence and
Neural Networks
To be held at Istanbul Technical University, Macka Campus
June 27 - 28, 1996
Jointly-organized by Istanbul Technical University and
Bogazici University.
Istanbul Technical University, Bogazici University, and Turkish
Scientific and Technical Research Council (Tubitak)
IEEE Computer Society Turkey Chapter, ACM SIGART Bilkent Chapter
Theory: Search, Knowledge Representation, Computational Learning
Theory, Complexity Theory, Dynamical Systems, Combinatorial
Optimization, Function Approximation, Estimation, Machine Learning,
Machine Discovery, Social and Philosophical Issues.
Algorithms and Architectures: Learning Algorithms, Multilayer
Perceptrons, Recurrent Networks, Decision Trees, Genetic and Evolutionary
Algorithms, Fuzzy Logic, Heuristic Search Methods, Symbolic Reasoning.
Applications: Expert Systems, Natural Language Processing,
Computer Vision, Image Processing, Speech Recognition Coding and
Synthesis, Handwriting Recognition, Time-Series Prediction, Medical
Processing, Financial Analysis, Music Processing, Control, Navigation,
Path Planning, Automated Theorem Proving, Symbolic Algebraic Computation.
Cognitive and Neuro Sciences: Human Learning, Memory and
Language, Perception, Psychophysics, Computational Models.
Implementation: Simulation Tools, Parallel Processing, Analog and
Digital VLSI, Neurocomputing Systems.
E. Alpaydin (Bogazici), U. Cilingiroglu (ITU),
F. Gurgen (Bogazici), C. Guzelis (ITU)
A.H. Abdel Wahab (Egypt), L. Akarun (Bogazici),
L. Akin (Bogazici), V. Akman (Bilkent),
F. Alpaslan (METU), K. Altinel (Bogazici),
V. Atalay (METU), C. Bozsahin (METU),
S. Canu (Compiegne, France), E. Celebi (ITU),
I. Cicekli (Bilkent), K. Ciliz (Bogazici),
D. Cohn (Harlequin, USA), D. Davenport (Bilkent),
C. Dichev (BAS, Bulgaria), A. Erkmen (METU),
G. Ernst (Case Western Reserve, USA), A. Fatholahzadeh (Supelec, France),
Z. Ghahramani (Toronto, Canada), H. Ghaziri (Beirut, Lebanon),
C. Goknar (ITU), M. Guler (METU),
A. Guvenir (Bilkent), U. Halici (METU),
M. Jabri (Sydney, Australia), M. Jordan (MIT, USA),
S. Kocabas (Tubitak MAM-ITU), S. Kuru (Bogazici),
K. Oflazer (Bilkent), R. Parikh (CUNY, USA),
F. Masulli (Genova, Italy), M. de la Maza (MIT, USA),
R. Murray-Smith (DaimlerBenz, Germany), Y. Ozturk (Ege),
E. Oztemel (Tubitak MAM-SAU), F. Pekergin (EHEI, France),
B. Sankur (Bogazici), A.F. Savaci (ITU),
C. Say (Bogazici), L. Shastri (ICSI, USA),
M. Sungur (METU), E. Tulunay (METU),
G. Ucoluk (METU), N. Yalabik (METU),
W. Zadrozny (IBM, USA).
Submit three hard-copies of full papers in English or Turkish
limited to 10 pages in 12pt size or poster papers limited to 4
pages along with 5 keywords by
March 1, 1996 to
Department of Computer Engineering,
Bogazici University, Bebek TR-80815 Istanbul Turkey
Accepted papers will be printed in the proceedings.
The symposium will also host special sessions on certain
subtopics. Proposals by qualified individuals interested in chairing one
of these is solicited. The goal is to provide a forum for researchers to
better focus on a certain subtopic and discuss important issues.
Individuals proposing have the following responsibilities:
o Arranging presentations by experts of the topic
o Moderating or leading the session
o Writing an overview of the topic and the session for the proceedings.
Mail proposals by March 1, 1996 to
Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Istanbul Technical University, Maslak TR-80626 Istanbul Turkey
Email: tainn96 at
* Participation from Eastern European, Balkan, and
Middle-East countries is especially solicited.
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