MSc in Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems
Dave Cliff
davec at
Fri Jan 19 06:41:06 EST 1996
Please distribute:
The University of Sussex
School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences
Graduate Research Centre
Master of Science (MSc) Degree in
Applications are invited for entry in October 1996 to the Master of Science
(MSc) degree in Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems. The degree can be taken in
one year full-time, or part-time over two years. Students initially follow
taught courses, as preparation for an individual research project leading to a
Masters Thesis.
This email gives a brief summary of the degree. For further details, see:
World-wide web:
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The MSc is sponsored in part by: BNR Europe Ltd,
Millennium Interactive.
The past decade has seen the formation of new research fields, crossing
traditional boundaries between biology, computer science, and cognitive
science. Known variously as Artificial Life, Simulation of Adaptive Behavior,
and Evolutionary Computation, the common theme is a focus on adaptation in
natural and artificial systems. This research has the potential both to
further our understanding of living and adaptive mechanisms in nature, and to
construct artificial systems which show the same flexibility, robustness, and
capacity for adaptation as is seen in animals. The international research
community is sufficiently large to support five series of biennial conferences
on various aspects of the field (ICGA, ALife, ECAL, SAB, PPSN), and there are
currently three international journals (all produced by MIT Press) for
archival publication of significant research findings.
The Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems (EASy) Research Group at the University
of Sussex School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences (COGS) is now widely
recognised as one of the world's foremost groups of researchers in this area,
with approximately 35 people actively engaged in research. Students on the
EASy MSc will be involved in this lively interdisciplinary environment.
At the end of the course, students will have been trained to a standard where
they are capable of pursuing doctoral research in any area of Evolutionary and
Adaptive Systems; and of applying those techniques in industry.
M. A. Arbib (Uni. of Southern California, USA); M. Bedau (Reed College, USA);
R. D. Beer (Case Western Reserve Uni, USA); R. A. Brooks (MIT, USA); H. Cruse
(Universitat Bielefeld, Germany); K. De Jong (George Mason Uni., USA);
D. Dennett (Tufts, USA); D. Floreano (LCT, Italy); J. Hallam (Uni. of
Edinburgh, UK); I. Horswill (North Western Uni., USA); L. P. Kaelbling (Brown
Uni., USA); C. G. Langton (Santa Fe Inst., USA); M. J. Mataric (Brandeis Uni.,
USA); J.-A. Meyer (Ecole Normale Superieure, France); G. F. Miller (MPIPF,
Germany); R. Pfeiffer (Uni. of Zurich, Switz.); T. S. Ray (ATR, Japan);
C. Reynolds (Silicon Graphics Inc, USA); H. L. Roitblat (Uni. of Hawaii, USA);
T. Smithers (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatae, Spain); L. Steels (VUB, Belgium);
P. Todd (MPIPF, Germany); B. H. Webb (Uni. of Nottingham, UK); S. W. Wilson
(Rowland Inst., USA).
Autumn Term (Oct--Dec)
Four compulsory courses: Artificial Life
Introduction to Computer Science
Formal Computational Skills
Adaptive Behavior in Animals and Robots
Spring Term (Jan-Mar)
Two compulsory courses: Adaptive Systems
Neural Networks
Two options chosen from the following list (further options may become
available; some options may not be available in some years):
Simulation of Adaptive Behavior
History and Philosophy of Adaptive Systems
Development in Human and Artificial Life
Computer Vision
Philosophy of Cognitive Science
Computational Neuroscience
Summer (Apr-Aug)
Research project, which should include a substantial practical (programming)
element, leading to submission of a 12000-word masters thesis. It is intended
that there will be industrial involvement in some projects.
Prof. H. G. Barrow; Prof. M. A. Boden; Dr. H. Buxton; R. Chrisley;
Prof. A. J. Clark; Dr. D. Cliff; Dr. T. S. Collett; Dr. P. Husbands;
Dr. D. Osorio; Dr. J. C. Rutkowska; Dr. D. S. Young.
Application forms are available from:
Postgraduate Admissions Office
Sussex House
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9RH
England, U.K.
Tel: +44 (0)1273 678412
Email: PG.Admissions at
Early application is encouraged: there are a limited number of places on the
MSc. If you have any further queries about this degree, please contact:
Dr D Cliff
School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9QH
England, U.K.
Tel: +44 (0)1273 678754
Fax: +44 (0)1273 671320
E-mail: davec at
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