iconip96 iconip96 at cs.cuhk.hk
Wed Jan 17 08:32:02 EST 1996

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  The Annual Conference of the Asian Pacific Neural Network Assembly
		  ICONIP'96, September 24 - 27, 1996
   Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

			 In cooperation with
		IEEE / NNC --IEEE Neural Networks Council
		INNS - International Neural Network Society
		ENNS - European Neural Network Society
		JNNS - Japanese Neural Network Society
		CNNC - China Neural Networks Council

The goal of ICONIP'96 is to provide a forum for researchers and
engineers from academia and industry to meet and to exchange ideas on
the latest developments in neural information processing.  The
conference also further serves to stimulate local and regional
interests in neural information processing and its potential
applications to industries indigenous to this region.  The conference
consists of two tracks. One is SCIENTIFIC TRACK for the latest results
on Theories, Technologies, Methods, Architectures and Algorithms in
neural information processing.  The other is APPLICATION TRACK for
various neural network applications in any engineering/technical field
and any business/service sector.  There will be a one-day tutorial on
the neural networks for capital markets which reflects Hong Kong's
local interests on financial services.  In addition, there will be
several invited lectures in the main conference.

Hong Kong is one of the most dynamic cities in the world with
world-class facilities, easy accessibility, exciting entertainment,
and high levels of service and professionalism.  Come to Hong Kong!
Visit this Eastern Pearl in this historical period before Hong Kong's
eminent return to China in 1997.

Tutorials On Financial Engineering
1. Professor John Moody, Oregon Graduate Institute, USA
     "Time Series Modeling: Classical and Nonlinear Approaches"

2. Professor Halbert White, University California, San Diego, USA
     "Option Pricing In Modern Finance Theory And The Relevance Of 
      Artificial Neural Networks"

3. The third tutorial speaker will also be an internationally well
     known expert in neural networks for the capital markets.

Keynote Talks
1. Professor Shun-ichi Amari, Tokyo University.
     "Information Geometry of Neural Networks"

2. Professor Yaser Abu-Mostafa, California Institute of Technology, USA
     "The Bin Model for Learning and Generalization"

3. Professor Leo Breiman, University California, Berkeley, USA
     "Democratizing Predictors"

4. Professor Christoph von der Malsburg, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Germany
     "Scene Analysis Based on Dynamic Links" (tentatively)

5. Professor Erkki Oja, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
     "Blind Signal Separation by Neural Networks "

     THE FIELD. ***


* Theory        
* Algorithms & Architectures    
* Supervised Learning    
* Unsupervised Learning     
* Hardware Implementations   
* Hybrid Systems   
* Neurobiological Systems  
* Associative Memory   
* Visual & Speech Processing      
* Intelligent Control & Robotics    
* Cognitive Science & AI                
* Recurrent Net & Dynamics  
* Image Processing     
* Pattern Recognition     
* Computer Vision  
* Time Series Prediction    
* Optimization    
* Fuzzy Logic    
* Evolutionary Computing   
* Other Related Areas  
* Foreign Exchange
* Equities & Commodities
* Risk management
* Options & Futures
* Forecasting & Strategic Planning
* Government and Services
* Garments and Fashions
* Telecommunications
* Control & Modeling
* Manufacturing
* Chemical engineering
* Transportation
* Environmental engineering
* Remote sensing 
* Power systems
* Defense
* Multimedia systems
* Document Processing
* Medical imaging
* Biomedical application
* Geophysical sciences
* Other Applications

        Submission of paper                  February 1, 1996  
        Notification of acceptance           May 1, 1996  
        Early registration deadline          July 1, 1996  
        Tutorial on Financial Engineering    Sept, 24, 1996
        Conference                           Sept, 25-27, 1996


Authors are invited to submit one camera-ready original and five
copies of the manuscript written in English on A4-format (or letter)
white paper with 25 mm (1 inch) margins on all four sides, in one
column format, no more than six pages (four pages preferred) including
figures and references, single- spaced, in Times-Roman or similar font
of 10 points or larger, and printed on one side of the page only.
Electronic or fax submission is not acceptable.  Additional pages will
be charged at USD $50 per page.

Centered at the top of the first page should be the complete title,
author(s), affiliation, mailing, and email addresses, followed by an
abstract (no more than 150 words) and the text.  Each submission
should be accompanied by a cover letter indicating the contacting
author, affiliation, mailing and email addresses, telephone and fax
number, and preference of track, technical session(s), and format of
presentation, either oral or poster. All submitted papers will be
refereed by experts in the field based on quality, clarity,
originality, and significance.

Authors may also retrieve the ICONIP style, "iconip.tex" and
"iconip.sty" files for the conference by anonymous FTP at
ftp.cs.cuhk.hk in the directory /pub/iconip96.
The address for information inquiries and paper submissions:
ICONIP'96 Secretariat   
Department of Computer Science  and Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong  
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong  
Fax (852) 2603-5024  
E-mail: iconip96 at cs.cuhk.hk  
General Co-Chairs
Omar Wing, CUHK
Shun-ichi Amari, Tokyo U.

Advisory Committee
Yaser Abu-Mostafa, Caltech
Michael Arbib, U. Southern Cal.
Leo Breiman, UC Berkeley
Jack Cowan, U. Chicago
Rolf Eckmiller, U. Bonn
Jerome Friedman, Stanford U.
Stephen Grossberg, Boston U.
Robert Hecht-Nielsen, HNC
Geoffrey Hinton, U. Toronto
Anil Jain, Michigan State U.
Teuvo Kohonen, Helsinki U. of Tech.
Sun-Yuan Kung, Princeton U.
Robert Marks, II, U. Washington
Thomas Poggio, MIT
Harold Szu, US Naval SWC
John Taylor, King's College London
David Touretzky, CMU
C. v. d. Malsburg, Ruhr-U. Bochum
David Willshaw, Edinburgh U.
Lofti Zadeh, UC Berkeley
Asia-Pacific Region
Marcelo H. Ang Jr, NUS, Singapore
Sung-Yang Bang, POSTECH, Pohang
Hsin-Chia Fu, NCTU., Hsinchu
Toshio Fukuda, Nagoya U., Nagoya
Kunihiko Fukushima, Osaka U., Osaka
Zhenya He, Southeastern U., Nanjing
Marwan Jabri, U. Sydney, Sydney
Nikola Kasabov, U. Otago, Dunedin
Yousou Wu, Tsinghua U., Beijing

Organizing Committee
L.W. Chan (Co-Chair), CUHK
K.S. Leung (Co-Chair), CUHK
D.Y. Yeung (Finance), HKUST
C.K. Ng (Publication), CityUHK
A. Wu (Publication), CityUHK
B.T. Low (Publicity), CUHK
M.W. Mak (Local Arr.), HKPU
C.S. Tong (Local Arr.), HKBU
T. Lee (Registration), CUHK
K.P. Chan (Tutorial), HKU
H.T. Tsui (Industry Liaison), CUHK
I. King (Secretary), CUHK

Program Committee
Lei Xu, CUHK
Michael Jordan, MIT
Erkki Oja, Helsinki U. of Tech.
Mitsuo Kawato, ATR
Yoshua Bengio, U. Montreal
Jim Bezdek, U. West Florida
Chris Bishop, Aston U.
Leon Bottou, Neuristique
Gail Carpenter, Boston U.
Laiwan Chan, CUHK
Huishen Chi, Peking U.
Peter Dayan, MIT
Kenji Doya, ATR
Scott Fahlman, CMU
Francoise Fogelman, SLIGOS
Lee Giles, NEC Research Inst.
Michael Hasselmo, Harvard U.
Kurt Hornik, Technical U. Wien
Yu Hen Hu, U. Wisconsin - Madison
Jeng-Neng Hwang, U. Washington
Nathan Intrator, Tel-Aviv U.
Larry Jackel, AT&T Bell Lab
Adam Kowalczyk, Telecom Australia
Soo-Young Lee, KAIST
Todd Leen, Oregon Grad. Inst.
Cheng-Yuan Liou, National Taiwan U.
David MacKay, Cavendish Lab
Eric Mjolsness, UC San Diego
John Moody, Oregon Grad. Inst.
Nelson Morgan, ICSI
Steven Nowlan, Synaptics
Michael Perrone, IBM Watson Lab
Ting-Chuen Pong, HKUST
Paul Refenes, London Business School
David Sanchez, U. Miami
Hava Siegelmann, Technion
Ah Chung Tsoi, U. Queensland
Benjamin Wah, U. Illinois
Andreas Weigend, Colorado U.
Ronald Williams, Northeastern U.
John Wyatt, MIT
Alan Yuille, Harvard U.
Richard Zemel, CMU
Jacek Zurada, U. Louisville

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