Tutorial on Alife and Adaptive Behaviour
Phil Husbands
philh at cogs.susx.ac.uk
Mon Jan 8 12:46:21 EST 1996
AISB96 Workshop and Tutoria1l Series
31 March-2 April 1996
University of Sussex
Falmer, Brighton, UK
One day Tutorial:
Artificial Life and Adaptive Behaviour
Date of Tutorial: 31st March 1996
Presenter(s) - Dave Cliff and Phil Husbands
School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences
University of Sussex
Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QH
Email: davec or philh @cogs.susx.ac.uk
This tutorial will provide an introduction to the burgeoning fields of
Artificial Life and Adaptive Behaviour. Artificial Life is concerned with the
use of computational methods to both model and synthesize phenomena normally
associated with living systems. The related, but more focused, discipline of
Adaptive Behaviour brings together ideas from a range of disciplines, such as
ethology, cognitive science and robotics, to further our understanding of the
behaviours and underlying mechanisms that allow animals, and, potentially,
robots to survive in uncertain environments.
Topics to be covered include: the historical roots of Artificial Life and
Adaptive Behaviour; Strong Alife and Weak Alife; principles of behaviour-based
robotics; artificial evolution and its application to autonomous robotics;
modelling and synthesizing neural and other learning mechanisms for autonomous
agents; collective behaviour; artificial worlds; software agents;
understanding the origins of life; applications; the philosophical
implications of these approaches.
The material will be presented in lecture format with liberal use of video,
computer and robot demonstrations. Although only key work will be discussed,
extensive bibliographies and suggestions for further reading will be provided
along with lecture notes and other supporting literature.
Tutorial Numbers:
Maximum of 50 (constrained by room size)
Anyone who thinks the tutorial description sounds interesting and is
willing to part with the cash. They won't be sorry.
Tutorial Fees:
Tutorial Fees include course materials, refreshments and lunch. All
prices are in pounds Sterling.
(AISB Student fees are in parentheses)
Early Registration Deadline: 1 March 1996
1 Day Tutorial 80.00 (55.00) 100.00
LATE REGISTRATION 100.00 (75.00) 120.00
For Full Details of Registration please contact:
AISB96 Local Organisation
University of Sussex
Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QH
Tel: +44 1273 678448
Fax: +44 1273 671320
Email: aisb at cogs.susx.ac.uk
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