II Workshop on Cybernetic Vision

Andre Carlos P. de Leon F. de Carvalho andre at icmsc.sc.usp.br
Wed Feb 28 14:52:21 EST 1996


            First Call for Contributions

          II Workshop on Cybernetic Vision

     Instituto de Fisica e Quimica de Sao Carlos
             Universidade de Sao Paulo
               Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil

                 9-11 December 1996


As stated in his classical book *Cybernetics*, Norbert
Wiener believed that the most interesting and exciting
possibilities for original research were to be found
in the interface between the major scientific areas.
In a tribute to Wiener's visionary approach, the term
CYBERNETIC VISION has been proposed to express those
research activities lying in the natural/artificial vision
interface.  It is believed that not only more powerful
and versatile artificial visual systems can be
obtained through the incorporation of biological
insights, but also that our understanding of the natural
visual systems can benefit from advances in artificial
vision research, thus sustaining a positive feedback.

Brazilian town of Sao Carlos, SP, in 1994 and attracted
the attention of many researchers from the most diverse
areas.  The second issue of this meeting is aimed at
providing another opportunity for scientific interchange
as well as the beginning of new collaborations between
the related communities.

Quality papers related to any of the areas below are
welcomed.  Prospective authors should send (through FAX,
conventional mail, or e-mail) an abstract of approximately
500 words no later than 15th April 1996 to:

Prof Dr Luciano da Fontoura Costa
Cybernetic Vision Research Group
Av Dr Carlos Botelho, 1465
Caixa Postal 369
Sao Carlos, SP
13560-970     Brazil
FAX: +55 162 71 3616

Electronic-mail submission of the abstracts, to be sent
to the address below, is strongly encouraged.

        Luciano at olive.ifqsc.sc.usp.br

Upon acceptance of the proposed abstracts, the authors
will be asked to prepare the full manuscript (full paper or
communication), for further assessment.  Accepted
contributions will be included in the Workshop Proceedings.
The abstracts of the accepted papers will be eventually
incorporated into a WWW page.

Although contributions in the Portuguese language are
welcomed, preference will be given to manuscript in the
English language.  Subjected to the author's consent,
accepted papers in the English language may also be
considered for publication in international journals in some
of the areas covered.

The organizing committee will do its best towards
providing a limited number of grants.

Areas covered include, but are by no means limited to:

- Active Vision
- Anatomy and Histology
- Eletrophysiology
- Ethology
- Fuzzy Models
- Image Analysis and Computer Vision
- Medical Imaging
- Modeling and Simulation of Biological Visual Systems
- Neural Networks (natural and artificial)
- Neurogenesys
- Neuromorphometry
- Neuroscience
- Optical Computing
- Psychophysics
- Robotics
- Scientific Visualization
- Vertebrate and Invertebrate Vision
- Vision and Consciousness


Important Dates:

* A 500-word abstract by April 15
* Feedback to author on abstract by May 17
* Three copies of the complete version of the paper
    by July 26
* Notification of accepted papers by September 6
* WORKSHOP  December 9-11


Organizing Committee:

Luciano da F. Costa, CVRG, IFSC-USP  (Coordinator)
Sergio Fukusima, USP-Rib. Preto
Roland Koberle, CVRG, IFSC-USP
Rafael Linden, UFRJ
Valentin O. Roda, CVRG, IFSC-USP
Jan F. W. Slaets, IFSC-USP


Program Committee (preliminary):

Arnaldo Albuquerque, UFMG
Junior Barrera, IME-USP
Paulo E. Cruvinel, EMBRAPA-CNPDIA
Antonio Francisco, INPE
Annie F. Frere, EESC-USP
Sergio Fukusima, USP-Rib. Preto
Andre P. de Leon, ICMSC-USP
Rafael Linden, UFRJ
Roberto de A. Lotufo, DCA-UNICAMP
Ricardo Machado, IBM
Joaquim P. Brasil Neto, UnB
Nelson D. D. Mascarenhas, UFSCar
Valdir F. Pessoa, UnB
Anna H. R. C. Rillo, PCS-EPUSP


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